崔亚婷,倪 军,马红玲,等.青蟹双顺反子病毒-1 原位杂交检测方法的建立与应用[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(11):130-134
查看全文    HTML 青蟹双顺反子病毒-1 原位杂交检测方法的建立与应用
Development and application of an in situ hybridizationassay for detection of mud crab dicistrovirus-1
中文关键词: 拟穴青蟹  青蟹双顺反子病毒-1  地高辛核酸探针  原位杂交
英文关键词: Scylla paramamosain  mud crab dicistrovirus-1  dig-labeled probe  in situ hybridization
崔亚婷,倪 军,马红玲,等 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/农业部水产品加工重点实验室上海海洋大学水产与生命学院广东省水生动物疫病预防控制中心 
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      :根据青蟹双顺反子病毒-1(mud crab dicistrovirus-1,MCDV-1)基因的保守序列设计1 对引物,从感 染MCDV-1 的青蟹鳃组织中提取RNA 为模板进行RT-PCR 扩增,得到1 314 bp 的cDNA 片段。纯化后的PCR 产 物用地高辛(DIG)标记制备核酸探针,此探针与青蟹呼肠孤病毒(MCRV)、鲍肌肉萎缩症病毒(AbSV)、类疱疹 病毒(AbHV)、白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)、虎纹蛙病毒(TFV)、锦鲤疱疹病毒(KHV)等水生动物常见病毒均无 交叉反应,可以特异性的检测出MCDV-1,检出MCDV-1 的灵敏度为8.58×107 copies/μL。采用原位杂交检测方法 检测拟穴青蟹组织中MCDV-1 的组织分布,结果表明,拟穴青蟹中MCDV-1 RNA 的阳性信号主要分布于肝胰腺、 神经节、肠道和食管。
      Mud crab dicistrovirus-1 was isolated from massive deaths of mud crab and had a strong pathogenicity.Based on the MCDV-1 genome sequences,we designed a pair of primers and obtained a 1 314 bp fragment of MCDV-1gene by RT-PCR. Consequently,probe was prepared using DIG-labeling. The sensitivity and specificity of probe wereanalyzed by dot blot hybridization method. Results showed that this probe could detect a minimum of 8.58×107 copies/μLof MCDV-1 and was specific for MCDV-1 detection,without cross-reaction with MCRV(mud crab reovirus),AbSV(abalone shriveling syndrome-associated virus),AbHV(abalpone herpesvirus),WSSV(white spot syndrome virus),TFV(tigerfrogvirus)and KHV(Koi herpesvirus). This probe was used to detect MCDV-1 in different tissues of diseasedmud crab by in situ hybridization and positive signals of MCDV-1 were mainly observed in hepatopancreas,ganglion,intestines and esophagus.
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