马 玉,吕光辉,何学敏,等.盐梯度下艾比湖湿地植物多样性响应及土壤因子驱动研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(11):141-147
查看全文    HTML 盐梯度下艾比湖湿地植物多样性响应及土壤因子驱动研究
Responses of plant diversity and soil factors drivingto soil salinity in wetland of Ebinur Lake
中文关键词: 艾比湖湿地  盐分梯度  植物多样性  土壤因子
英文关键词: the wetland of Ebinur Lake  soil salinity gradient  plant diversity  soil factors
马 玉,吕光辉,何学敏,等 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院/绿洲生态教育部重点实验室新疆大学干旱生态环境研究所 
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      以新疆艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区荒漠植物群落为研究对象,通过调查获取土壤水盐、养分及 群落样方数据,探讨不同盐梯度下植物多样性的响应及土壤因子的驱动机制。结果表明,在土壤含盐量分别为 19.21~9.59 g/kg(S1)、5.97~0.66 g/kg(S2)的盐分梯度上,随土壤盐含量降低,植物生活型结构发生改变,灌木比例 降低,草本比例增加;不同盐梯度下,土壤因子(全磷、全钾除外)形成显著性差异;高盐生境物种多样性总体高 于低盐生境,其中Margalef 指数(R)随盐分降低梯度显著下降,Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H)、Simpson 指数 (D)和Pielou 均匀度指数(J)则呈不显著降低趋势;Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H)和Simpson 指数(D)与土 壤全钾含量显著正相关,而土壤有机质、盐分、pH、土壤水分、土壤全氮含量则显著影响Margalef 丰富度(R)指 数,Pielou 均匀度指数(J)与各土壤因子相关性不显著。
      Taking the desert plant communities in wetland of Ebinur Lake,the National Nature Reserve inXinjiang,as study object,soil data including moisture,salinity,nutrient and community plot were investigated and theresponses of plant diversity and soil factors driving to soil salinity gradient were studied. The results showed that,underthe salt contents of 19.21-9.59 g/kg(S1)and 5.97-0.66 g/k g(S2),respectively,with the soil salt content decreased,plant life structure in community changed,the proportion of shrubs decreased,while herbaceous proportion increased.Under different salinity gradients,soil factors(except for total phosphorus,total potassium)had significant differences.The species diversity in high salinity habitat was generally higher than that in low salinity habitat,specifically,theMargalef index(R)showed sharp reduction over the salinity gradient,while Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H),Simpson index(D)and Pielou evenness index(J)did not significantly reduce. There was a significantly positivecorrelation between Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H),Simpson index(D)and soil total potassium content,Margalefrichness index(R)was significantly influenced by soil organic matter,salinity,pH,soil moisture,soil total nitrogencontent,there was no significant relationship between Pielou evenness index(J)and various soil factors.
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