张永礼,赵 蕾,董志良.基于信息粒化和PSO-SVR 模型的棉花价格波动区间和变化趋势预测[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(11):180-185
查看全文    HTML 基于信息粒化和PSO-SVR 模型的棉花价格波动区间和变化趋势预测
Prediction of fluctuation range and change trendof cotton price based on fuzzy informationgranulation and PSO-SVR model
中文关键词: 模糊信息粒化  粒子群优化算法  支持向量机  农产品价格
英文关键词: fuzzy information granulation  particle swarm optimization algorithm  support vector machine  agricultural products prices
张永礼,赵 蕾,董志良 石家庄经济学院 
摘要点击次数: 1468
全文下载次数: 847
      农产品价格的准确预测对农民规避市场风险、提高农业收入和国家农业宏观调控具有重大意义。以 国家棉花价格A 指数的预测为例,提出了一种基于模糊信息粒化和粒子群优化支持向量回归机(PSO-SVR)的农 产品价格预测时序回归模型。该模型首先使用模糊信息粒化方法,将原始国家棉花价格A 指数时间序列数据映 射为包含最小值Low、中值R、最大值Up 3 个参数的模糊信息粒,然后使用粒子群优化算法PSO 寻找支持向量 回归机(SVM)模型的最佳参数c 和g,最后,再使用优化后的支持向量回归机(SVM)模型预测国棉价格A 指数未 来波动区间和变化趋势。实证结果表明,基于模糊信息粒化和PSO-SVR 时序回归模型对国棉价格A 指数的预测 准确有效。
      Accurately predicting the prices of agricultural products is very important for evading market risk,increasing agricultural income and government macroeconomic regulation. With national cotton prices prediction asan example,this paper proposed a SVM prediction model of agricultural products prices based on fuzzy informationgranulation and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Firstly,the original national cotton prices A index time seriesdata were transformed into fuzzy information granulation particles made up of Low,R and Up. Secondly,particle swarmoptimization algorithm was used to find the best parameters c and g for SVM model. Finally,cotton price fluctuation rangeand change trend in the future were predicted by the optimized SVM regression model. The empirical analysis showedthat the PSO-SVM model was effective for the prediction of cotton price fluctuation range and change trend.
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