查看全文    HTML 2014年广东甘蔗产业发展形势与对策建议
Development situation and countermeasures of Guangdong sugarcane industry in 2014
中文关键词: 甘蔗  广东  产业现状  对策建议
英文关键词: sugarcane  Guangdong  industry status  countermeasures and suggestions
张艳,刘亚琼,肖广江,等 广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所华南农业大学测试中心 
摘要点击次数: 1454
全文下载次数: 818
      甘蔗是世界上重要的食糖生产原料,广东省地处我国的南端,气候和土地条件非常适宜甘蔗的生 长,甘蔗种植面积全国第3 位,是全省较为重要的农业产业之一。在简要介绍我国甘蔗种植情况的基础上,深 入剖析了2014 年广东省甘蔗产业发展现状,包括甘蔗的区域分布、种植品种、产量和甘蔗糖业发展现状等,并 对2013/2014 榨季广东甘蔗收购价格和种植成本进行分析,总结了广东甘蔗产业亟需解决的共性关键技术,最 后从甘蔗良种良法推广、科技创新、科技服务、机械化进程、监测预警机制的建立和风险保护等6 个方面对广 东甘蔗产业的发展提出了对策建议。
      Sugarcane is an important production raw material of sugar in the world. Guangdong is in the south of China, whose climate and soil condition is suitable for sugarcane to grow. As the-third-planting area crop in China, sugarcane is one of the most important agricultural industries in Guangdong. Based on the brief introduction of sugarcane爷s planning situation in our country, this article deeply analyzed the development situation of sugarcane, including distribution area, varieties, output, and the development status of sugarcane manufacture, and also analyzed the acquiring price and cost of planting in 2013/2014 grinding season in Guangdong, then summarized the common key technologies of sugarcane industry that needed to solve, and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for sugarcane development in Guangdong from the aspects of fine seed and fine method, technology innovation, science and technology service, mechanization, monitoring and early warning mechanism, venture capital protection and so on.
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