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Research on response differences to nutrient stress among different sugarcane varieties
中文关键词: 甘蔗  养分胁迫  植株生长  养分含量
英文关键词: sugarcane  low nutrient stress  growth of plant  concentration of nutrient
曾巧英,江永,黄莹,等 广州甘蔗糖业研究所/广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1711
全文下载次数: 906
      为了评价割手密、斑茅与甘蔗杂交后的后代材料在养分缺乏情况下的养分利用特性,在砂培条件 下,以斑茅、割手密和甘蔗杂交后代品系及甘蔗栽培种为材料,研究了低氮、低磷和低钾胁迫对甘蔗各品系的 植株生长及甘蔗养分含量、积累量的影响。结果表明:低氮、低磷和低钾胁迫均显著影响甘蔗植株生长,表现出 植株株高、茎粗、地上部分干重及根系干重下降,以YC10-29 在低钾胁迫下、YC06-92 在低磷胁迫下降幅较小曰 在养分胁迫下,甘蔗植株的根冠比增加,低磷和低钾胁迫降低了根茎粗,而总根长增加,以YC06-92 在低钾胁 迫下总根长增加最多,约为对照的2.67 倍曰3 种养分胁迫均影响植株对其他两种养分的吸收利用,表现出低钾 胁迫下植株的磷含量增加,而低氮胁迫下植株钾含量和磷含量增加、且低氮胁迫下磷和钾的累积量分别高于 在低磷和低钾胁迫下的磷和钾的积累量,其中以ROC22 最为明显。含有割手密和斑茅血缘的品系YC10-29 和 YC06-92 具有较高的耐低钾和低磷胁迫特性,而ROC22 具有较高的耐低氮胁迫特性。
      To study the response of sugarcane hybrids under nutrient stress, four different varieties were used as materials, including one BC3 from hybrids of sugarcane and Erianthus arundtnaceus, one BC1 from hybrids of sugarcane and Saccharum spontaneum and two cultivated varieties. The plant growth, nutrient concentration and nutrient accumulation amount were evaluated under low nitrogen stress, low phosphorus stress or low potassium stress. The results revealed that plant height, diameter, dry weight of shoot and dry weight of root of four varieties all decreased under low nutrient stress. The decrease in these parameters was lower in YC10-29 under low potassium stress and YC06-92 under low phosphorus stress than those in the other two cultivated varieties. Under low nutrient stress, the ratio between root and shoot increased and the diameter of root under low potassium or phosphorus stress decreased, which lead to the increase of total root length, especially the total root length of YC06-92 under low potassium stress, which was 2.67 times higher than that of CK. There were significantly interactions among different nutrients under low nutrient stress. Under low potassium stress, the concentration of phosphorus in plant increased, while the concentration of potassium and phosphorus increased under low nitrogen stress. In addition, the potassium and phosphorus accumulation amount in plant under low nitrogen stress was higher than those under low potassium and phosphorus袁especially in ROC22. Therefore, among four varieties, YC10-29 showed higher tolerance to low potassium stress, YC06 -92 possessed excellently tolerance to low phosphorus stress and ROC22 showed higher tolerance to low nitroge
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