查看全文    HTML 油松端粒长度与树龄相关关系研究
Correlation between telomere length and age in Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis Carr.)
中文关键词: 油松  端粒长度  树龄  数学模型  古树保护
英文关键词: Pinus tabuliformis Carr.  telomere length  age  mathematical model  ancient tree protection
胡旭东,撖静宜,要笑云,等 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院/林木育种国家工程实验室/林木尧花卉遗传育种教育部重点实验室/国家林业局树木花卉育种与生物工程重点开放实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1649
全文下载次数: 653
      端粒是位于染色体末端能够保护染色体维持其稳定性的特殊DNA-蛋白复合物,与细胞分裂、细 胞衰老及寿命都有着密不可分的联系。结合前人对银杏、狐尾松等木本植物端粒长度与树龄相关关系的研究, 选取我国特有常绿木本裸子植物油松作为试验材料,采集树龄跨度从7 年到800 年9 个年龄段的针叶,采用 TRF 测定法对油松针叶端粒长度进行了测定。结果表明,随着油松树龄的增加,针叶端粒长度也相应变长。在 此基础上,建立了油松端粒长度和树龄相关关系的数学模型,以期利用这一数学模型,可以在不损伤树体的前 提下,用更为快捷方便的实验手段对古树树龄进行准确测定。
      Telomere is a specialized chromatin domain composed of telomere DNA and various telomere -associated proteins, which plays a crucial role in ensuring genomic integrity. A number of data showed that telomereis strongly associated with cell division, senescence and age. Based on the studies in gingko and bristlecone pine,Pinus tabulaeformis were selected as experiment materials. The needle leaves were gathered with the age rangingfrom 7 to 800 years old. Using TRF assay and TeloTool software, the telomere lengths were measured in needleleaves. The result showed that the telomere length increased with the age of the trees. On this base, a mathematicalmodel of the correlation between telomere length and age of P. tabulaeformis was built. It was expected to be appliedin the age determination of trees without injuries in the future.
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