查看全文    HTML 施肥类型和种植年限对淹水稻田土壤可溶性有机碳的影响
Effects of different fertilizations and cultivation years on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in paddy soil under water-logging condition
中文关键词: 种植年限  施肥类型  可溶性有机碳  稻田土壤
英文关键词: years  fertilization method  dissolved organic carbon  paddy soil
顾春朝,傅民杰,刘春海,等 延边大学农学院 
摘要点击次数: 1665
全文下载次数: 629
      采用淹水连续培养法研究了延边地区2 种种植年限(80 年和120 年)3 种施肥方式(单施化肥、化 肥配施有机肥、单施有机肥)的稻田土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)的时空分布格局。结果表明:长期淹水培养条件下 稻田土壤DOC 存在明显的时空变异性曰单施化肥或化肥配施有机肥有利于长期淹水稻田表层土壤DOC 的释 放曰单施有机肥促进了深层土壤DOC 的积累,使耕层形成明显的土壤DOC 垂直空间异质性,而化肥施用则削 弱了土壤DOC 垂直分布的异质性曰连作80 年稻田淹水培养期土壤DOC 含量高于连作120 年土壤,且连作80 年稻田培养期DOC 含量波动时间(28 d)短于120 年土壤(49 d)。
      Under water -logging condition, tempo -spatial variations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Yanbian paddy soil with two cultivation years(120 years, 80 years) and three fertilization methods(chemical fertilizers, chemical and organic fertilizers, organic fertilizer) were investigated with sequential incubation method. The results showed that, there were obvious tempo-spatial variations of paddy soil DOC under water-logging condition. Chemical fertilizers or chemical and organic fertilizers were beneficial to DOC release in the upper paddy soil (0-10 cm) under water-logging condition. Organic fertilizers promoted the DOC accumulation in the lower soil (10-20 cm), and made topsoil form obvious vertical spatial heterogeneity of soil DOC. But chemical fertilizers weakened the vertical spatial heterogeneity of soil DOC. The content of DOC of the continuous cropping in 80 years was significantly higher than that of the 120 years, and the content of DOC fluctuation time of the continuous cropping in 80 years 28 dwas significantly shorter than that of the 120 years (49 d).
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