查看全文    HTML 高山栲叶性状种内变异及其与环境因子的关系
Intraspecific variations of Castanopsis delavayi leaf traits and their relation ship with environmental factors
中文关键词: 种内变异  功能性状  叶片  环境因子
英文关键词: intraspecific variation  functional traits  leaf  environmental factors
杨建军,苏文华,王玲玲,等 云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所 
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      以高山栲(Castanopsis delavayi)分布区域内的11 个种群为研究对象,测定了叶片厚度、叶片硬度、 叶面积、比叶面积、叶片干物质含量和低温敏感性6 个功能性状,分析了高山栲叶功能性状种群内的变异及其 与环境因子间的关系。结果显示:高山栲种内叶性状的总变异系数为7.3%~41.6%,种内变异主要来源于种群 间、种群内和个体内3 个层次,种群间的变异是所有叶功能性状种内总变异的主要来源曰比叶面积与厚度、干 物质含量呈负相关关系,与叶面积显正相关关系,硬度与叶面积、干物质含量呈负相关关系曰叶面积主要受年 降水量和经度的影响,比叶面积的主要影响因子是年均温、海拔和最冷月气温。表明高山栲种内存在较大的变 异,一个种群性状的平均值难以代表整个物种的性状曰环境条件是影响种内变异的主要因子,不同的环境因子 对种内变异的影响不同,分布区中部的生境不一定是最佳的,而分布区边缘的环境也不一定是贫瘠的曰高山栲 分布区内的不同种群通过形成不同的功能性状组合来适应各自的生境,对于植物具有重要的生态学意义。
      In order to explore the intraspecific variation of Castanopsis delavayi leaf traits and correlations between leaf traits and environmental factors, we investigated 11 C. delavayi populations across the distribution and measured six leaf functional traits including leaf thickness, leaf toughness, leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content and leaf frost sensitivity. The results showed that the total intraspecific coefficient of variation of C. delavayi leaf functional traits was from 7.3% to 41.6%. The total intraspecific variation derived from populations, individuals and leaves, but the main source of intraspeci?c variation was population variation. Specific leaf area was significantly negatively correlated with leaf thickness and leaf dry matter content, but positively correlated with leaf area. Leaf toughness was significantly negatively correlated with leaf area and leaf dry matter content. Leaf area was mainly influenced by mean annual precipitation and longitude, the most important environmental factors affecting specific leaf area were mean annual temperature, mean temperature of coldest month and altitude. The results indicated that intraspecific trait variation was obvious in different C. delavayi populations, only an average trait value for species was not enough. Environmental conditions were the main factors affecting the intraspecific variation and different environmental factors had different effects on leaf traits
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