查看全文    HTML 城市绿地系统功能协同评价研究——以广东鹤山市为例
Study on evaluation of functional coordinationof urban green space system—A case study of Heshan city
中文关键词: 城市绿地  功能协同  评价模型  协调度
英文关键词: urban green space  functional coordination  evaluation model  coordination degree
刘小冬,郭春华 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院密歇根州立大学规划设计建设系 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 632
      鉴于城市绿地系统的复杂性,将其按功能划分为景观绿地、游憩(兼防灾避险)绿地、生态绿地3 个 子系统。根据协同学原理建立城市绿地系统协同评价模型,以鹤山市为研究对象,确定每个序参量分量的阀值, 并计算其数值,最终得出鹤山市建成区绿地系统整体协调度为0.52,反映出其绿地系统基本协同。3 个子系统中, 景观绿地子系统的贡献值最大,为0.62,游憩(兼防灾避险)绿地子系统的贡献值居中,为0.50,生态绿地子系统 的贡献值最小,为0.48。
      Considering the complexity,urban green space system was divided into 3 subsystems,including landscape green space,ecological green space,recreational and disaster prevention green space. According to the principle of synergetics,coordination evaluation model of urban green space system was established. Taking Heshan city as the research object,we determined the threshold of each parameter component,and then calculated its value. The results showed that the coordination degree of green space system in Heshan was 0.52,indicating that the urban green space system in Heshan was in a basic synergistic state. In the three subsystems,landscape green space subsystem had the largest contribution with value of 0.62,while ecological green space subsystem had the minimum contribution with value of 0.48, contribution of recreation and disaster prevention green space subsystem was in the middle level with value of 0.50.
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