查看全文    HTML 美丽异木棉花形态结构特征和观赏类型划分
Flower morphological structure characteristicsand ornamental types classificationof Chorisia speciosa
中文关键词: 美丽异木棉  花期  花形态结构  观赏类型划分  无性系选育
英文关键词: Chorisia speciosa  florescence  morphological structure  ornamental types classification  Clonal selection
张方秋,朱报著,潘文,等 广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室广东省林业科学研究院 
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      通过嫁接繁殖栽培试验,对美丽异木棉的花期和花形态结构特征进行调查,结果表明:美丽异木 棉的花期、花型、花瓣大小和颜色等形态特征在产地和无性系间存在较大差异,花期8 月中旬至翌年3 月上旬, 花期延续时间可达190 d,盛花期为10 月中旬至11 月上旬;花型分为直伸和反卷两种类型,直伸花型占 82.47%;花瓣基部颜色分为白色、黄白色、浅黄色和黄色,黄色占54.55%;花瓣先端颜色分为白色(浅灰色)、浅 红色、红色、深红色、紫红色,红色占59.09%;花平均长10.51 cm、宽11.91 cm;根据花瓣的长宽比,花瓣形状可 分为长匙形(条形)、匙形和宽匙形,匙形占46.75%。聚类分析揭示美丽异木棉可分为直干早花大花宽瓣花型、 直干迟花较大花型和大腹迟花较小花型等7 个类型,其中直干早花大花宽瓣花型共25 个无性系是较优良的 观赏类型,是选育的重点。
      The morphological sturcture and flowering characteristics of Chorisia speciosa were investigated through a grafting test. The results indicated that there were remarkable differences among stands or clones in flowering period, type, petal size and color. In general, the flowering period could reach 190 d, ranged from August to March of the next year with a full blooming time during midmonth of October spanning to November early. The flower types were straight (82.47% of the clones) and anti-roll. The color of petal base appeared to be white, white-yellow (95.44% of the clones), weak yellow or yellow; while the tip of petal could be observed with the color of white, weak red, red (59.09% of the clones), dark red, or violet. The average length and width of flowers were 10.51 cm and 11.91 cm respectively. According to the length-width ratio, the petal showed as strip, cochlear (46.75% of the clones) or big cochlear type. Cluster analysis revealed that all the clones could be classified into 7 groups (e.g. straight stem early large flower with wide petal, straight stem late larger flower, and areca late smaller flower). Of which, the type with straight stem early large flower with wide petal was more attractive and should be concentrated in the breeding program.
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