查看全文    HTML 鼎湖山野生兰科花卉资源及其观赏性研究
Studies on wild orchid flower resources and theirappreciation of Dinghushan Mountain
中文关键词: 鼎湖山  野生兰科花卉  观赏性  园林应用
英文关键词: Dinghushan mountain  wild orchid flowers  appreciation  landscape application
陈丽晖,徐呈祥,陈雄伟,等 肇庆学院生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1642
全文下载次数: 798
      对鼎湖山“生兰科花卉资源进行调查,结果表明,该区“生兰科花卉资源丰富,观赏价值较高,共 有27 属43 种,有地生型、附生型和半附生等3 种生活型,按观赏类型可分为观花、观叶和花叶两赏3 类,以花 叶两赏类为主。采用层次分析法(AHP 法)对鼎湖山“生兰科花卉进行综合评分并确定其观赏等级,发现其中 28 种(占65.1%)具有很高和较高的观赏价值(观赏等级为玉级和域级)。据此,提出鼎湖山“生观赏性兰科花 卉资源的园林应用方式及合理开发利用的建议。
      This paper investigated the wild resource of orchid flowers of Dinghushan mountain.The results show that: The wild orchid flower resources in this area are rich and have high ornamental value with 43 species in 27 genus which divided into 3 life types including terrestrial type, epiphytic type and half-epiphytic type. The wild orchid flower in this area are classified as 3 ornamental types including flowering plants, foliage plants, flowering and foliage plants and most of them are flowering and foliage plants. The paper also studied on the appreciation of them and assessed through scoring criteria of 13 ornamental indicators based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The Comprehensive Evaluation were used to determined different ornamental gradations of the wild orchids flowers in Dinghushan mountain and found that there are 28 species (percent of the total number of wild orchids is 65.1%) which have very high and high ornamental value (ornamental grades are Grade玉and Grade域). Accordingly, rational recommendations on exploitation and utilization of wild orchid flower resources in Dinghushan mountain areproposed
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