查看全文    HTML 改性稻秆制备缓释包膜尿素及其肥效研究
Preparation of slow-release coated urea withmodified straw and its fertilizer efficiency
中文关键词: 改性秸秆  包膜尿素  缓释  玉米  肥效
英文关键词: modified straw  coated urea  slow-release  corn  fertilizer efficiency
景旭东,林海琳,阎杰,等 仲恺农业工程学院化学化工学院仲恺农业工程学院教学科研基地 
摘要点击次数: 1543
全文下载次数: 798
      通过对稻秆纤维改性增加其吸油率和疏水性,利用工业圆盘造粒机的原理制备缓释包膜尿素,并进 行大田盆栽试验。结果表明,改性后的稻秆比普通的稻秆吸油率提高50.5 %,红外光谱分析(FTIR)表明改性后羰 基吸收峰增强,乙酰化程度增加;高倍金相显微镜和电镜扫描技术(SEM)对包膜层结构观察,发现形成了致密的膜 层结构;大田盆栽试验结果显示,缓释包膜尿素与对照相比,玉米在生长期叶绿素含量、茎周长、株高和叶面积等 方面均出现显著差异,说明该缓释包膜尿素具有良好的缓释效果,并在一定程度上能提高作物的产量。
      The oil absorption and hydrophobic properties of straw fiber increased through modification, the slowrelease coated urea was prepared with the modified straw by principle of industrial disc granulator, and its fertilizer efficiency on corn was studied by field test. The results indicated that after modification, the oil absorption increased by 50.5% ; FTIR showed that carbonyl absorption enhanced, the degree of acetylation increased; high power microscope and SEM showed that the coating layer formed a dense film structure. The field test results showed that, compared to control group, by application of the slow -release coated urea with modified straw, the chlorophyll content, stem circumference, plant height and leaf area of corn significantly increased, indicating that the slowrelease coated urea had good release effect and could improve crop yield to a certain extent
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