汪文娟,韦小燕,陈凯玲,等.源自杂交稻组合五优308 稻瘟病菌致病性分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(14):70-73
查看全文    HTML 源自杂交稻组合五优308 稻瘟病菌致病性分析
Pathogenicity analysis on Magnaporthe griseaof hybrid combination Wuyou308
中文关键词: 五优308  稻瘟病菌  致病性  水稻品种(组合)
英文关键词: Wuyou308  Magnaporthe grisea  pathogenicity  rice varieties and combinations
汪文娟,韦小燕,陈凯玲,等 广东省农科院植物保护研究所/广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室 
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      对采自广东韶关、河源、梅州等稻区严重感染稻瘟病的杂交稻组合五优308 穗瘟标样进行了稻瘟 病菌分离,获得源自不同地点的穗瘟标样分离物18 个,利用7 个中国稻瘟病菌小种鉴别品种和11 个单基因 系对分离物进行了致病性分析。结果表明:所分离菌株鉴定出ZB13、ZB15、ZC13 等3 个小种,分别占分离菌株 的66.67%、27.78%、5.56%;对分离菌株表现出高感的抗性基因有Pi-ta2、Pi-sh、Pi-i,对分离菌株具有抗性较好 的基因有Pi-kh、Pi-1、Pi2、Pi-9 及Pi-50 等;所有分离物均能回接上杂交稻五优308,使接种品种表现感病。选 取GDHY-308-1401 等3 个菌株对广东部分品种(组合)进行了致病性测定,在测定的45 个品种(组合)中,表 现感至高感的品种(组合)有13 个,占28.89%;中感的有2 个,占4.44%;中抗至高抗的有30 个,占66.67%。其 中与五优308 同一类型的杂交稻组合五丰优9802、五优613、五优1179 对接种菌株表现出良好抗性,在五优 308 感病的稻区可考虑种植上述抗病品种。
      Eighteen blast isolates were obtained from a hybrid combination Wuyou308 using the Magnaporthe oryzae pathogen isolation method. Race identification of these isolates was conducted based on 7 Chinese blast differentials and 11 blast monogenic lines. The results indicated that the isolates were identified as the race of ZB13, ZB15, ZC13, accounting for 66.67%, 27.78%, 5.56%, respectively, the resistance genes including Pi-ta2, Pi-sh, Pi-i were highly susceptible to these isolates, while the resistance genes like Pi-kh, Pi-1, Pi2, Pi-9 and Pi-50 showed good resistant to tested pathogens. All isolates were compatible to the original rice of hybrid Wuyou308. Three isolates like GDHY-308-1401 and so on were used for testing their pathogenicities to 45 local varieties. The results demonstrated that 13 varieties appeared highly susceptible to the tested isolates, accounting for 28.89%; two varieties appeared moderately susceptible to the tested isolates, accounting for 4.44%; 30 varieties appeared moderately/highly resistance, accounting for 66.67%. Among them, some of new hybrid combinations such as Wufengyou9802, Wuyou613, Wuyou1179 showed good resistance to the inoculated strains, they were recommended to be the candidates in the rice region where Wuyou308 showed susceptibility
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