王丽,张剑亮,王继华,等.利用SSR 标记分析甘蔗重要亲本粤农73-204及其衍生品种的遗传多样性[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(14):100-104
查看全文    HTML 利用SSR 标记分析甘蔗重要亲本粤农73-204及其衍生品种的遗传多样性
Genetic diversity analysis of YN73-204and its deritives by SSR
中文关键词: 甘蔗  SSR 标记  遗传多样性
英文关键词: sugarcane  SSR marker  genetic diversity
王丽,张剑亮,王继华,等 广东省农科院作物研究所/广东省农作物遗传改良重点实验室 
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      为深入了解甘蔗重要亲本粤农73-204(YN73-204)及其衍生品种之间的遗传关系,利用SSR 标记 研究了甘蔗亲本粤农73-204 及其衍生系、相关品种共计20 份甘蔗材料的遗传多样性。结果显示,52 对SSR 引 物检测到512 个变异位点,每对引物平均为9.8 个,变幅为5-20 个。20 份甘蔗材料遗传多样性GS 变幅为 0.6518-0.9086,整体遗传差异相对较小。54 对引物多态性信息含量(PIC)变幅为0-0.50,平均为0.29。UPGMA 聚类分析将20 份甘蔗材料分成4 大类,聚类结果能较好地反映品种之间的遗传关系。
      In order to evaluate the genetic relationship among sugarcane parent YN73-204 and its deritives, 52 SSR makers were used based on 20 materials of sugarcane parent YN73-204 and its deritives. The results showed that a total of 512 alleles were detected with range of 5-20 alleles and an average of 9.8 of each SSR primer. Genetic similarities (GS) were ranged from 0.6518 to 0.9086. Polymorphism information content (PIC) varied from 0 to 0.50, with average of 0.29. By Clustering analysis with UPGMA method, 20 materials were divided into 4 categories. The results could be useful to future breeding programs for increasing genetic diversity of sugarcane varieties.
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