查看全文    HTML 基于生态位适宜度的土地生态状况评价——以河南商丘市为例
Land ecological evaluation based on niche fitness model要A case study of Shangqiu city袁Henan province
中文关键词: 土地生态  评价  商丘市  生态位适宜度
英文关键词: land ecological  evaluation  Shangqiu  niche fitness
李悦,张合兵,等 河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 2005
全文下载次数: 651
      以行政村为评价单元,基于生态位理论,从土地生态状况的需求生态位和现实生态位的耦合关系, 构建土地生态状况适宜度模型,并利用ARCGIS 软件对河南省商丘市土地生态状况进行评估。结果表明,不同 地区的土地生态状况有所差异,其中,虞城县除中部地区、睢县除中部地区、宁陵县除中部地区、夏邑县西北部 和永城市南部土地生态状况为优级;夏邑县东南部、永城市东北部、民权县和柘城县大部分地区土地生态状况 为良级;土地生态状况中等的有梁园区和睢阳区;各个县区的中部地区土地生态状况一般或者差。土壤污染状 况和人口密度是影响土地生态状况的主要因素。
      Taking administrative villages as evaluation unit, the land ecological survey and assessment system was established including natural niche -fitness, structural niche fitness, stress niche -fitness and ecological construction niche-fitness. Based on ARCGIS software and niche theory, the quality of land ecological was evaluated. The results showed that land ecological conditions in different areas were different. In Yucheng country except the central region, Sui country except the central region, Ningling country except the central region, the southern of Xiayi country and the northwest of Yongcheng, the conditions of land ecology were excellent. The land ecology in the southeast of Xiayi country, the northeast of Yongcheng and the most parts of Minquan country and Zhecheng country was good. The condition was fair in Liangyuan district and Suiyang district. The land ecology of central region in every counties was poor. Soil pollution and population density were the main factors influencing the land ecological condition
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