查看全文    HTML 广东西部沿海地区牡蛎产业发展策略研究——基于养殖户尧企业和政府部门的深度访谈
Development strategies of oyster industry in thewestern coastal region of Guangdong provinceBased on depth interview on mariculture operators,enterprises and government administrations
中文关键词: 广东西部沿海地区  牡蛎产业  产业链  产业政策
英文关键词: the western coastal region of Guangdong province  oyster industry  industry chain  industry policy
周昌仕,侯晓梅,杨菁,等 广东海洋大学经济管理学院中国海洋大学水产学院 
摘要点击次数: 1609
全文下载次数: 838
      面对持续恶化的海洋生态环境和逐渐退化的海洋渔业资源,如何促进牡蛎产业持续健康发展,从 而保证资源依赖型牡蛎产品的供应已经引起社会关注。以广东西部沿海地区为调查对象,分析牡蛎产业的特 点、效益、困境和发展策略。调查分析后发现,该地区牡蛎产业有养殖海域广阔、养殖模式因海而异、加工处于 初级阶段、销售渠道缺乏监控等情况,存在养殖整体效益较好、销售价格存在反差、成本构成差异性明显和加 工环节效益增值率低等关联特征,并面临用海域矛盾突出、渔业资源退化、分散经营无序、价值链低端锁定和 产业政策欠缺等诸多困境。牡蛎产业必须转型升级以实现持续健康发展,公共政策应当有所作为,当务之急是 合理区划海域功能、严格保护海洋环境、有效改进产业管理、培育壮大龙头企业和引导强化合作组织。
      Facing increasingly worsening ecological environment and gradual degradation of marine fishery resources, how to promote sustainable and healthy development of oyster industry so as to ensure supply of oyster products depended on resource and favored by consumer has been caused widespread concern. This paper took the western coastal region of Guangdong province as investigation object to analyze the characteristics, benefit, dilemma and development strategies of oyster industry. The results showed that the industrial chain characteristics of oyster industry in this region were as follows: aquaculture sea area was vast, cultivating patterns varied by the sea, processing remained at primary stage, and sales channel was out of control. Benefit demonstrated associative characteristics that overall benefit was better, contrast of sales price existed, there were obvious differences in cost structure, and increment of benefit was low in processing nodes. Dilemma lied in contradiction of sea area use, degradation of fishery resources, decentralized operation, low-end locking in the value chain and lack of industry policy. The oyster industry must upgrade to realize sustained and healthy development, and public policy must play a role. The most important things were to develop sea space utilization plans, control environmental protection, improve industry management, foster leading enterprises and popularize cooperative organization.
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