查看全文    HTML 消费者对冰鲜鸡购买意愿及其影响因素研究——基于广州市的调查数据
Research on purchase intention and influencingfactors of consumers to chilled chicken要Based on the survey data from Guangzhou city
中文关键词: 冰鲜鸡  购买意愿  影响因素
英文关键词: chilled chicken  purchase intention  influencing factors
文晓巍,杨炳成,邓庚沂 华南农业大学经济管理学院华南农业大学华南家禽产业与疾病防控协同创新中心 
摘要点击次数: 1464
全文下载次数: 746
      广州试点实施家禽集中屠宰及冰鲜上市,究竟消费者对冰鲜鸡的接受程度如何,其购买意愿受哪 些因素影响,是目前冰鲜鸡推广政策所关注的重要问题之一。基于此,以广州市七区消费者为调查对象,分析 消费者对冰鲜鸡的购买意愿及其影响因素。结果显示,消费者的亲友看法、媒体报道及其冰鲜鸡加工流程认知 是影响冰鲜鸡购买意愿最显著的因素;消费者的年龄、对冰鲜鸡的品牌认证、对冰鲜鸡的产品安全感知及冰鲜 鸡的购买便利性是影响冰鲜鸡购买意愿较显著的因素;消费者对冰鲜鸡的产品信任、安全认证、营养价值及其 传统饮食习惯则是影响冰鲜鸡购买意愿一般显著的因素。
      Guangzhou as a pilot, was implemented central slaughtering poultry and chilled listing. Whether the consumer accept the chilled chicken or not, and which factors influenced their purchase intention, were the important issues to promote the policy of chilled chicken concerns. On this basis, we surveyed consumers in seven districts of Guangzhou city, analyzed the purchase intention and influencing factors of consumers to chilled chicken. The results showed that the views of relatives and friends, media reports and chilled chicken manufacturing processes cognition were the most prominent factors influencing consumers purchasing chilled chicken. Consumer's age, chilled chicken brand authentication, product safety perception and purchasing convenience were the more significant factors. Product trust, safety certification, nutritional value and the traditional diet habit were the general influence factors.
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