谢志梅1,2,张少红2,肖应辉1,刘 斌2.水稻收获指数分子遗传研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):1-6
查看全文    HTML 水稻收获指数分子遗传研究进展
Progress on molecular genetics of harvest index in rice
中文关键词: 1. 湖南农业大学水稻科学研究所,湖南 长沙 410128  2. 广东省农科院水稻研究所/ 广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510640
英文关键词: rice  harvest index  QTL  yield
基金项目::广东省自然科学基金重点项目(9251064 001000001)
谢志梅1,2,张少红2,肖应辉1,刘 斌2 1. 湖南农业大学水稻科学研究所湖南 长沙 410128 2. 广东省农科院水稻研究所/ 广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1841
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      水稻收获指数是指稻谷产量与生物产量的比值。众多研究表明,作物的收获指数与其产量密切相 关。收获指数对作物品种改良的作用已得到育种和生理学家的普遍认同,高收获指数已成为水稻高产育种的 一个重要指标。深入了解水稻收获指数的遗传基础是有效开展水稻高收获指数育种的前提和基础。就水稻收 获指数的生物学意义、与产量的关系,特别是其遗传研究的进展进行综述,并就水稻收获指数研究存在的问题 和前景进行探讨。
      Harvest index in rice is defined as the ratio of grain yield to biomass. It has been demonstrated that crop harvest index is closely correlated with yield. Harvest index has been suggested as one of the important targets in crop improvement by crop physiologists and breeders and considered as one of the important indicators in rice breeding for high yield. Understanding the genetic basis of harvest index is the prerequisite and basis for effective breeding for high harvest index in rice. In this review,we described the biological meaning of harvest index,the correlation between harvest index and yield,and reviewed the progress on genetic study of harvest index in rice,also discussed the current problems and prospects in the genetic study of harvest index in rice
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