葛中英1,张 杰1,刘 正1,易 军1,李亚男1,赵 祥1,胡运高1,2.几个籼型直立穗水稻突变体穗部性状分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):7-11
查看全文    HTML 几个籼型直立穗水稻突变体穗部性状分析
Analysis on panicle traits of a few erect paniclemutants in Indica rice
中文关键词: 水稻  穗型  穗部性状  穗颈弯曲度  抗弯曲能力
英文关键词: rice  panicle type  panicle traits  panicle bending  bending resistance
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD35B02, 2014BAD01B03);国家政策引导类科技计划及其他专 项 (2013ZX08001-002);国家现代农业产业技术体系四 川创新团队建设专项(川农业函[2014]91 号)
葛中英1,张 杰1,刘 正1,易 军1,李亚男1,赵 祥1,胡运高1,2 1. 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院四川 绵阳 621010 2. 四川农业大学水稻研究所四川 成都 611130 
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      以籼稻品种蜀恢498(R498)及其通过EMS 诱变产生的不同穗型籼稻突变体R816、R772、R449 为试材,采取单因素随机区组设计,进行大田试验,比较分析不同穗型水稻穗部性状间的差异。结果表明:野 生型R498 为弯曲穗型,R816 和R772 为直立穗型,R449 为半直立穗型;直立穗突变体的穗长变短,比野生型 短约17%,半直立穗与弯曲穗型在穗长方面无显著差异;稻穗抗弯曲能力表现为直立穗型> 半直立穗型> 弯 曲穗型,直立穗突变体穗轴直径、穗下第一节直径及大小维管束数等均显著高于野生型弯曲穗品种,半直立穗 型的抗弯曲力显著大于野生型;直立穗突变体紧凑的穗部形态、更粗的直径以及穗颈中含有更多的大小维管 束,具有更强的机械强度,有利于稻穗保持直立。
      With curved panicle type of rice Shu Hui 498(R498)and different panicle types of mutants R816, R772,R449 induced by EMS as materials,the differences of panicle traits in different panicle types were investigated by single factor randomized block design. Results showed that the wild-type R498 was curved panicle type,R816 and R772 were erect panicle types and R449 was semi-erect panicle type. The panicle length of erect panicle mutant shortened by about 17% compared with wild type,while there was no significant difference between semi-erect panicle type and curved panicle type. In terms of ability of panicle resistance to bending,it showed erect panicle > semi-erect panicle > curve panicle. The diameter of rachilla,diameter of the upmost stem and number of vascular bundles of erect panicle mutant were significantly higher than those of wild type. Panicle bending resistance of semi-erect panicle type was significantly greater than that of wild type. The panicle modality of erect panicle mutant was compact,and it had more number of vascular bundles and thicker diameter of panicle neck. Therefore erect panicle mutant had greater mechanical strength,which could help its panicle keep erect.
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