胡 峰,梅 瑜,邱道寿,刘晓津,蔡时可.铁皮石斛育种研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):12-17
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Research advances in breeding of Dendrobium officinale
中文关键词: 铁皮石斛  种质资源  育种目标  育种手段
英文关键词: Dendrobium officinale  germplasm resources  breeding objectives  breeding means
基金项目::广东省科技计划项目(2014A020208071, 2012A020602020);广州市科学研究专项(2014J4100193)
胡 峰,梅 瑜,邱道寿,刘晓津,蔡时可 广东省农科院作物研究所广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1757
全文下载次数: 740
      :铁皮石斛作为我国传统名贵中药材,广泛运用于食品和医疗保健领域。在查阅近20 年来国内外 相关文献基础上,综述了铁皮石斛种质资源研究和育种现状,国内外对种质资源的形态学鉴定、分子鉴定、农 艺性状分析、成分分析等方面进行了较为细致的研究,为育种工作奠定了基础;通过选择育种、杂交育种、诱 变育种、倍性育种等常规育种方法已获得较多的铁皮石斛新品种,分子标记辅助育种、转基因育种等现代生物 技术手段将成为今后铁皮石斛育种的主要工作重点。同时,提出了铁皮石斛育种过程中存在的问题及展望,为 今后铁皮石斛种质资源创新研究提供参考。
      Dendrobium officinale is a valuable Chinese herbal material,widely used in fields of food and medical care. Development of germplasm resources research and breeding of D. officinale were summarized by citing literatures in recent 20 years. Scholars carefully studied the morphological identification,molecular identification,analysis of agronomic characters and component analysis,laying down a foundation for the work of future breeding research. New varieties of D. officinale were obtained by selective breeding,cross breeding,mutation breeding,ploidy breeding and other conventional breeding methods. Molecular mark assisted breeding,transgenic breeding and other modern biotechnologies would become the key works of breeding from now on. This paper also put forward some questions and prospects during the breeding,to provide reference for germplasm improvement of D. officinale in the future.
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