阙青敏1,欧阳昆唏1,李 培2,李俊成1,张俊杰1,陈晓阳1,廖柏勇1.黄梁木幼林家系主要性状的观测 与优良家系的初步选择[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):18-24
查看全文    HTML 黄梁木幼林家系主要性状的观测 与优良家系的初步选择
Main traits observation of young growth family andsuperior family selection of Neolamarckia cadamba
中文关键词: 黄梁木  遗传变异  家系选择  指数选择
英文关键词: Neolamarckia cadamba  genetic variation  family selection  index selection
基金项目:国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项 (201004020)
阙青敏1,欧阳昆唏1,李 培2,李俊成1,张俊杰1,陈晓阳1,廖柏勇1 1. 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院广东 广州 510642 2. 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院北京 100083 
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      2011 年从云南、广西、广东等地选择黄梁木幼树40 株,2014 年5 月在广东雷州开展了家系造林 对比试验,2015 年1 月的调查结果表明:树高、地径、冠幅、枝下高、冠高比、冠径比等生长性状在家系间差 异极显著,性状家系遗传力均达到 0.5 以上,家系间选择潜力大;根据性状相关分析和回归检验判断,地径、 树高、枝下高对材积指数的影响最大,在此基础上,构建了材积指数主要性状指数方程。以10% 的入选率选 出4 个优良家系,4 个优良家系的地径、树高、材积指数、枝下高、冠径比和冠高比的平均遗传增益分别为 20.15%、20.49%、46.20%、9.98%、2.45% 和-8.95%。
      Forty trees of Neolamarckia cadamba were chosen from Yunnan,Guangxi and Guangdong province in 2011,and then contrast test was performed through family afforestation in May 2014. The results from survey in Jan 2015 showed that there were extremely significant differences among families on the tree height(H),ground diameter(GD),individual tree volume(V),height under branch(BH),crown diameter(CD), the ratio of crown diameter to ground diameter(RCDGD),and the ratio of height to height under branch(RHBH). The family heritability of all traits were higher than 0.50,which indicated that an extensive selection potential existed among families. For the given traits,many of them had significant positive phenotypic and genetic correlations with each other,which were favorable for the comprehensive selection with multi-traits. On the base of traits -combining selection,a selection index equation was constructed. Under 10% selection pressure,four superior families were chosen. Compared with the trait mean of control(CK),the expected genetic gains on H,GD,V,BH,CD,RCDGD and RHBH of the four selected families were 17.34%,20.49%,46.20%,20.39%,13.47%,2.45% and -8.95%, respectively.
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