冼学权1,2,黄爱民1,胡华宇1,杨 梅1,刘万东1,黄祖强1,冯振飞1,张燕娟1.机械活化固相法制备棕榈酸 淀粉酯及其性能研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):72-76
查看全文    HTML 机械活化固相法制备棕榈酸 淀粉酯及其性能研究
Preparation of starch palmitate by mechanical activationassistedsolid phase reaction and its properties
中文关键词: 机械活化  木薯淀粉  棕榈酸淀粉酯  固相
英文关键词: mechanical activation  cassava starch  starch palmitate  solid phase
基金项目:广西自然科学基金(2 0 1 3 G X N S F A A 019025,2014GXNSFBA118051);广西科学研究与技术开 发项目(桂科能1346006-3,桂科合1346011-21);南宁 市科学研究与技术开发项目(20141043,20131039);广 西特聘专家专项经费资助项目
冼学权1,2,黄爱民1,胡华宇1,杨 梅1,刘万东1,黄祖强1,冯振飞1,张燕娟1 1. 广西大学化学化工学院广西 南宁 5300042. 广西科学院广西 南宁 530007 
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      以木薯淀粉为原料,棕榈酸为酯化剂、盐酸为催化剂,采用机械活化固相法制备棕榈酸淀粉酯; 以产品的取代度为评价指标,考察各因素对酯化反应的影响,并对产品进行表征及性能分析。结果表明:当木 薯淀粉用量30.0 g、棕榈酸用量12%、催化剂2.0 mol/L、盐酸用量1.0%、反应时间60 min、反应温度60℃时, 制备的酯化产品取代度为0.0108。XRD 分析表明,淀粉结晶结构破坏,结晶度下降;红外光谱表明,淀粉已成 功酯化;性能分析表明,酯化淀粉具有较好的透明度和热稳定性、较低的糊化温度及粘度。
      Starch palmitate was prepared by mechanical activation-assisted solid phase reaction with cassava starch as raw material,palmitic acid as esterifying agent,and HCl as catalyst. The effects of various factors on the esterification of starch were investigated respectively by using degree of substitution(DS)of the products as an evaluation index, and the characterization and performance analysis were also carried out. The results showed that the product with a DS value of 0.0108 was prepared under the optimum reaction conditions:cassava starch dosage of 30.0 g,palmitic acid dosage of 12%,2.0 mol/L HCl catalyst dosage of 1.0%,and reaction for 60 min at 60℃. XRD analysis indicated that the crystalline structure of starch was damaged and the crystallinity decreased. FTIR analysis indicated that starch was successfully esterified. Performance analysis indicated that esterified starch possessed better transparency and thermal stability,and lower gelatinization temperature and viscosity.
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