嵇辛勤1,2,李世静1,2,文 明1,2,张人俊3,刘廷江1,陈佳琪1,2,雷 云1,2,陈 强1.鸭源大肠杆菌β-内酰胺类耐药基因的检测[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):88-91
查看全文    HTML 鸭源大肠杆菌β-内酰胺类耐药基因的检测
Detection of β-lactamases-resistant genesin Escherichia coil isolated from ducks
中文关键词: 大肠杆菌  β-内酰胺类药物  耐药基因  检测
英文关键词: Escherichia coil  β-lactamases drugs  resistant gene  detection
基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合NY[2013] 3074,黔科合计省合[2013]7004)
嵇辛勤1,2,李世静1,2,文 明1,2,张人俊3,刘廷江1,陈佳琪1,2,雷 云1,2,陈 强1 1. 贵州大学动物科学学院贵州 贵阳 5500252. 贵州省动物疫病研究所贵州 贵阳 550025 3. 贵州省动物疫病预防控制中心贵州 贵阳 550001 
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      为了解鸭源大肠杆菌对β-内酰胺类抗生素的耐药性情况,以及β-内酰胺酶类耐药基因的携带 情况,从贵州省三穗县部分规模鸭场的患鸭内脏器官中分离的大肠杆菌中随机选取15 株,采用药敏纸片法对 其进行8 种β-内酰胺类药物敏感试验,采用PCR 方法对SHV 型、CTX-M 型、TEM 型β-内酰胺酶类耐药基 因进行检测,并对耐药基因序列与GenBank 中的相关序列进行比对。结果显示,15 株鸭源大肠杆菌对8 种β- 内酰胺类抗生素均存在严重耐药,耐药率高达100%。TEM 型和CTX-M 型耐药基因均有检出,检出率分别为 46.7% 和100%,而SHV 型耐药基因未检出,其中有7 株细菌同时带有两种耐药基因。耐药基因序列比对结果 显示,所测菌株序列与数据库中相应耐药基因序列相似性均高达90 % 以上。
      To understand the resistance of β-lactamases-antibiotics in Escherichia coil isolated from ducks, and the situation of carrying β-lactamases-resistant genes,we randomly selected 15 strains E. coil isolated from ill ducks from some scale duck farms in Sansui county of Guizhou province. The drug sensitive test with 8 kinds of β-lactamases-antibiotics was carried out by drug sensitive slips. The β-lactamases-resistant genes of SHV type, CTX-M type and TEM type were detected by PCR, the sequences of drug resistance genes were analyzed and some relevant sequences in GenBank were compared by DNA Star software. Results showed that serious resistance existed in 15 strains of E. coli to 8 kinds of β-lactamases-antibiotics,the resistance rate was 100%. The TEM type and CTX-M type resistant genes were detected,the detection rate were 46.7% and 100%,while the SHV type resistant gene was none visible. There were 7 strains of bacteria with two kinds of drug-resistant genes at the same time. Sequence alignment results showed that the similarity was above 90% between the tested sequences and corresponding resistance gene sequences in the database.
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