查看全文    HTML 典型规模化猪场地下水环境质量现状分析
Analysis of ground water quality in atypical large-scaled pig farm
中文关键词: 规模化猪场  地下水  粪大肠菌群  氨氮
英文关键词: large-scaled pig farm  ground water  fecal coliforms  ammonium nitrogen
基金项目:全球环境基金东亚家畜废物管理项目 (T F 0 5 6 5 1 9 - C H A);广东省低碳发展专项资金项目 (2011-046);广东省科技计划项目(2011B020309003); 美国环保局项目
李盟军1,林科峰2,姚建武1,宁建凤1,王荣辉1,罗英健1,艾绍英1 1. 广东省农科院农业资源与环境研究所/ 农业部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室/ 广东省养分资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农业环保与农村能源总站广东 广州 510500 
摘要点击次数: 1796
全文下载次数: 608
      选择典型规模化猪场,对猪场水井水质进行动态分析和监测。结果显示,猪场5 个水井水体pH 值、总氮浓度和粪大肠菌群数量分别为7.72~7.79、1.73~2.87 mg/L、3.663×105~5.257×105 个/L,5 个水井粪大 肠菌群超标现象较为严重。两个典型水井的水质分析显示,硝酸盐氮和悬浮物均符合地下水Ⅰ类水标准,亚 硝酸盐氮含量均符合地下水Ⅲ类水标准。井水总氮和总磷含量分别为3.06~3.42 mg/L 和0.12~0.21 mg/L。井水 CODCr 和BOD5 测定值变化表明井水含有一定浓度的有机污染物。氨氮和粪大肠菌群均处于严重超标状态。总 体上,猪场地下水水质状况堪忧,主要污染物为氨氮和粪大肠菌群。
      A typical large-scaled pig farm was selected to monitor the ground water quality. The results showed that pH,total nitrogen concentration and number of fecal coliforms was 7.72-7.79,1.73-2.87 mg/L and 3.663× 105-5.257×105,respectively,in the water of five wells,the number of fecal coliforms exceeded the standard level of ground water. Further investigations in well water quality were conducted on two typical wells. Results showed that the concentrations of nitrate nitrogen and total soluble solids were lower than class Ⅰ of water quality standard;the nitrite content was lower than class Ⅲ of water quality standard. The concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 3.06-3.42 mg/L and 0.12-0.21 mg/L,respectively. The well water was polluted by some organic contaminants as evinced by the variations of COD and BOD5. Ammonia nitrogen and fecal coliforms were pollutants found in the water of two wells and were much higher than the class V of water quality standard. In summary,the water quality in this large-scaled pig farm was poor mainly because of the ammonium nitrogen and fecal coliforms contamination
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