邢 斌1,连 槿2,谢海波2,何文彪2,朱凯艺2,谢修志2,钱建平1.广东丘陵山地果园机械化现状与发展思路 ——以龙门县为例[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(15):142-147
查看全文    HTML 广东丘陵山地果园机械化现状与发展思路 ——以龙门县为例
Present situation and development directions of mechanizationfor hilly mountain orchard of Guangdong—Based on the survey in Longmen county
中文关键词: 农产品  监管与追溯  质量安全
英文关键词: agri-food  supervision and traceability  quality and safety
邢 斌1,连 槿2,谢海波2,何文彪2,朱凯艺2,谢修志2,钱建平1 1. 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心北京 100097 2. 广州市农产品质量安全监督所广东 广州 510315 
摘要点击次数: 1653
全文下载次数: 713
      农产品质量安全事件频繁发生,给人们的人身安全构成了较大的危害。针对广州市蔬菜农产品质 量安全问题,构建了蔬菜农产品监管与追溯体系。从政府监管角度出发,研究分析了农产品信息采集、产品检 测、数据传输等关键技术,在此基础上研发了广州市蔬菜农产品质量安全监管与追溯平台。该平台在广州市农 产品质量安全监管部门及生产企业进行应用示范,结果表明监管与追溯平台的构建能有效地管理生产企业及 其相关产品信息并保障农产品的质量安全。
      Agri-food quality and safety incidents occur frequently,which result in a major hazard to people’s safety. In this paper,according to the safety and quality problems of vegetable agri-food in Guangzhou,a supervision and traceability system for vegetable agri-food was established. Key technologies for the government supervision,such as manufacture information collection,food testing,data transmission,were researched in details and the platform was also constructed. The platform was applied in governments and enterprises,and the results showed that the platform had great effect on the management of enterprises and agri-food for the government. Meanwhile,the quality and safety could be well controlled.
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