乔云明 1 , 黄朱业 2 , 谢秋丽 3 , 甘凤琼 3 , 蓝 芳 4 , 李良波 3 , 黄荣韶 3.山豆根结荚特性研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(17):31-36
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Study on fruiting characteristics of Sophora tonkinensis
中文关键词: 山豆根  植株特性  落荚规律  种子发育
英文关键词: Sophora tonkinensis Gagnep.  plant characteristics  pod dropping rule  seed development
基金项目:广西自然科学基金(桂科自 2014GXNS FAA118218);广西科学研究与技术开发项目(桂科重 1298001-1-2)
乔云明 1 , 黄朱业 2 , 谢秋丽 3 , 甘凤琼 3 , 蓝 芳 4 , 李良波 3 , 黄荣韶 3 (1. 广西大学广西高校植物遗传育种重点实验室 广西 南宁 530005 2. 马山县农业局 广西 马山 530600 3. 广西大学农学院 广西 南宁 530005 4. 广西大学研究生处 广西 南宁 530005) 
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      采用蒽酮比色法、 考马斯亮蓝染色法和高氯酸酸解蒽酮比色法分别测定山豆根种子的可溶性糖、 可溶性蛋白质和淀粉含量, 研究山豆根植株的特性、 落荚规律及荚和种子的基本发育特性。 结果显示, 山豆根 的落荚数在 7 月中旬至 8 月中旬最多, 整株落荚率达 52.07%, 其中主枝的落荚率为 48.36%, 花果枝上全穗的 落荚率为 43.97%; 豆荚所含种子数在整个结荚期较稳定, 平均每荚含 2~3 个种子; 单荚鲜重在 6 月中旬至 7 月中旬增重快、 日均增重达 0.0222 g, 7 月中旬后增重不明显, 趋于稳定; 种子的鲜重和干重在整个结荚期都呈 曲线形增加, 种子长和厚呈抛物线形增长, 在 9 月渐趋稳定; 种子的可溶性糖含量在 9 月中旬趋于稳定, 可溶 性蛋白质含量在 8 月中旬达最大值, 淀粉含量在 6 月中旬至 9 月中旬呈直线形增加。
      In this paper, the contents of soluble carbohydrate, soluble protein and starch were detected by anthrone colorimetry method, Coomassie Brilliant Blue method and perchlorate acidolysis anthrone colorimetry method, respectively, to investigate the plant characteristics, rules of pod dropping and development features of pod and seed of Sophora tonkinensis Gagnep. Results showed that the pod dropping number of S. tonkinensis in the mid-July to mid- August achieved the most. During the period, the pod dropping rate of whole plant was 52.07%, the main branch was 48.36%, and the flower branch on the ear was 43.97%. One pod contained 2-3 seeds and the seed number was relatively stable throughout the whole podding stage. During the mid-June to mid-July, the weight gain of fresh pod was rapid and more, the average daily gain weight was 0.0222 g. The weight gain was not obvious after the mid-July and tended to be stable. The fresh and dry weight of seed increased in the form of curve on the whole fruiting period, the length and thickness of seed in the form of a parabolic, then remained stable in September. The content of soluble sugar in seed increased to a relative high level and remained a stable tendency in the mid-September, soluble protein had the maximum in the mid-August, the content of starch increased in the form of linear in the mid-June to September.
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