杜昌陈 1, 2 , 余元善 1 , 肖更生 1 , 徐玉娟 1 , 陈卫东 1 , 吴继军 1.添加柚果皮对沙田柚蒸馏酒风味品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(17):90-95
查看全文    HTML 添加柚果皮对沙田柚蒸馏酒风味品质的影响
Effects of pomelo peel on flavor qualityof pomelo distilled wine
中文关键词: 柚皮  蒸馏  风味  柚子酒
英文关键词: pomelo peel  distillation  flavor  pomelo wine
基金项目:国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2012 BAD31B03) ; 科技部创新方法工作专项(2013IM030700) ; 广东省科技计划项目(2013B020203001, 2012B091000074)
杜昌陈 1, 2 , 余元善 1 , 肖更生 1 , 徐玉娟 1 , 陈卫东 1 , 吴继军 1 1. 广东省农科院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 / 广东省农产品加工重点实验室 广东 广州 510610 2. 江西农业大学生物科学与工程学院 江西 南昌 330045 
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      以广东沙田柚为原料, 优化柚子发酵原酒的蒸馏工艺, 并分析向一次柚子蒸馏酒中添加柚子果皮 后其二次蒸馏酒理化特性和感官风味的变化。 结果发现, 一次蒸馏于 15%(V/V)取酒, 可获得低甲醇含量的 柚子果酒, 二次蒸馏于 58%(V/V)截酒, 可得低甲醇含量的柚子果酒。 感官评价分析发现, 随着柚果皮添加 量的增加, 二次蒸馏酒的苦味感明显提高, 优化后的最佳柚果皮添加量为 1%。 GC-MS 分析结果表明, 柚果皮 的添加对其二次蒸馏酒的挥发性风味物质的种类没有显著影响, 但显著提高了其二次蒸馏酒中月桂烯和柠檬 烯的含量。
      In this study, distillation process of pomelo wine was optimized, and the changes of physiochemical characteristics, sensory and flavor attributes in the second distilled spirits were evaluated as added pomelo peel to the first distilled spirits of pomelo wine. Results showed that distilled spirits with low content of methanol could be obtained by cutting in 15%(V/V)for the first distillion and 58%(V/V)for the second distillion. Sensory evaluation showed that the sense of bitterness increased significantly in the second distilled spirits with the increase of addition amount of pomelo peel, and the optimized addition amount for pomelo peel was 1%. In addition, GC-MS analysis showed that the addition of pomelo peel had no significant effect on the kind of volatile flavor compounds, but had a significant effect on the content of myrcene and limonene in the second distilled spirits.
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