刘炎周, 张 虹, 王玉峰.土地流转收益保证贷款供给意愿实证研究 ——基于 316 名银行从业人员样本调查[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(17):159-166
查看全文    HTML 土地流转收益保证贷款供给意愿实证研究 ——基于 316 名银行从业人员样本调查
Analysis of willingness to supply loan ofland transfer revenue assurance—A survey based on 316 bank clerks
中文关键词: 土地流转收益保证贷款  供给意愿  计划行为理论  结构方程模型
英文关键词: loan of land transfer revenue assurance  willingness to supply  theory of planned behavior  structural equation model
基金项目:四川省哲学社会科学研究“十二五”规划 项目(SC12E067)
刘炎周, 张 虹, 王玉峰 四川农业大学经济学院 四川 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 1629
全文下载次数: 551
      为探索收益保证贷款是否能促进农村土地规模化流转, 解决长期以来农村金融抑制问题, 利用计 划行为理论, 基于行为态度、 感知行为控制、 主观规范 3 个层面探索了金融机构放贷意向的影响机制; 以此为 基础, 运用结构方程模型对试点区 316 名银行从业人员的数据进行实证研究。 结果表明, 放贷意愿的影响程度 上, 金融机构对风险问题的敏感性高于“利润动机”与“扩张动机” ; 配套政策的完善、 转入土地的经营情况 同样被金融机构所关注; 相关部门宣传与劝导力度尚有一定提高余地。
      To explore whether the income guarantee loan can promote the scale of rural land circulation, and solve the problem of rural financial repression, using the theory of planned behavior, this paper explored the influencing mechanism of financial institutions’ willingness to supply loan based on behavior attitude, perceived behavioral control and subjective norm, and then carried out an empirical study based on 316 bank clerks in 9 experimental regions in Sichuan province by using structural equation model. Results showed that financial institutions had higher sensibility to risk issues than profit motivation and expansion motivation, also concerned the improvement of supporting policies and the business condition of transferred land. The relevant departments should improve propaganda and persuasion about the loan of land transfer revenue assurance.
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