查看全文    HTML 海南橡胶林历史台风灾害的时空分布规律研究
Spatial-temporal characteristics of rubber typhoondisaster in Hainan Island
中文关键词: 橡胶  台风灾害  时空分布  海南
英文关键词: rubber  typhoon disaster  spatial-temporal distribution  Hainan Island
刘少军,张京红,蔡大鑫,田光辉,张国峰,邹海平 海南省气象科学研究所/ 海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室海南 海口 570203 
摘要点击次数: 1431
全文下载次数: 683
      海南是我国主要的橡胶产区,也是台风频发区域。了解橡胶林台风灾害的历史变化规律,对建立 有效的橡胶林台风灾害预警和防御措施具有重要的意义。根据海南1977—2012 年橡胶林台风灾情历史数据, 选取16 次对海南橡胶林造成较大影响的台风灾情数据,结合橡胶园风害等级标准,分析海南橡胶林台风灾 损的空间分布规律。结果表明:(1)1977—2012 年橡胶林台风灾损情况在空间上存在明显差别,每次橡胶林 灾损的严重程度分布均与台风的强度和路径密切相关。36 年间,全岛绝大多数的农场发生橡胶林灾损次数在 4~8 次之间;橡胶灾害等级也有所不同;(2)在时间上,橡胶林风害灾损的分布随着台风影响次数减少而减 少,但橡胶林受损害程度在增加;橡胶灾害损失与台风等级密切相关,当风速大于10 级以后,橡胶灾情与风 速大小正相关。
      Hainan Island is the main rubber production areas,also it is typhoon high-risk area. It is important to establish an effective rubber typhoon disaster warning and defense measures by learning spatial-temporal characteristics of rubber typhoon disaster. According to the rubber typhoon disaster history database during 1977-2012 in Hainan Island,16 times of rubber typhoon disaster data(missing or rarely with rubber disaster were not included)were chosen to analyze spatial-temporal characteristics of rubber typhoon disaster based on rubber plantation wind damage grade standard. The results showed that,rubber typhoon disasters were obviously different in the space during 1977-2012, the severity of damage distribution was closely related with the typhoon’s intensity and path. The number of rubber typhoon damage in majority of farms was four to eight times during 36 years and the rubber disaster grade was variable. In temporal dimension,the number of rubber wind damage distribution was diminished with the typhoon’s influence frequency,but the rubber damage degree increased. When wind speed was greater than whole gales,rubber disaster loss was closely related to the level of typhoon. The results are helpful to understand spatial-temporal characteristics of rubber typhoon disaster in Hainan Island,which can provide the decision-making for dealing with the rubber typhoon disaster.
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