孟文文1,徐正银1,黎金锋1,2,姚晓华1,2,刘 斌1,2.拮抗细菌B44 对食用菌致病木霉的抑制作用[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(19):73-76
查看全文    HTML 拮抗细菌B44 对食用菌致病木霉的抑制作用
Antifungal activity of B44 against Trichoderma in mushroom
中文关键词: 食用菌  木霉  拮抗细菌  抑菌作用
英文关键词: mushroom  Trichoderma  antagonistic bacterium  antifungal activity
基金项目:广西科学研究与技术开发项目(桂科攻 10100013-1,桂科攻1222012-1B);国家现代农业食用菌 产业技术体系广西创新团队项目
孟文文1,徐正银1,黎金锋1,2,姚晓华1,2,刘 斌1,2 1. 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 5300052. 广西大学食用菌研究所广西 南宁 530005 
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      以3 株食用菌致病木霉为目标菌株,利用热处理过的发酵液研究拮抗细菌B44 对3 株木霉的抑 菌作用。通过对3 株木霉菌丝生长、产孢量以及孢子萌发的研究,结果发现拮抗细菌B44 对3 株木霉均有较 强的抑制作用,随着细菌发酵液浓度的提高,其抑制作用也逐渐增强;在细菌发酵液浓度为40% 时,对3 株木 霉的抑制作用较强,其抑制率分别为79.74%、91.19%、73.37%,而对两株平菇的抑制作用相对较弱,抑制率为 33.80% 和55.46%。因此拮抗细菌B44 具有潜在的生防应用前景。
      Taking antagonistic bacterium with significant antagonism against Trichoderma as material,the antifungal activity of heat-treated liquid fermentation of B44 was analyzed. The results showed that the antagonistic bacterium B44 had strong inhibitory effect on mycelium growth,sporulation and spore germination of the three strains of Trichoderma. With the concentration of bacterial fermentation increasing,its inhibition gradually increased. When the concentration of bacterial fermentation was 40%,the inhibition rate to the three strains of Trichoderma were 79.74%,91.19%,and 73.37% respectively,while the inhibition rate to the two mushrooms were 33.80% and 55.46% respectively. It was suggested that strain B44 had the potential biological control in mushroom cultivation
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