陈 静,何吉祥,宋光同,汪 翔,佘 磊,武 松.克氏原螯虾数量性状对腹部肌肉质量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(19):101-105
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Effects of quantitative traits on abdominal muscleweight of Procambarus clarlii
中文关键词: 克氏原螯虾  数量性状  腹部肌肉质量  相关系数  通径分析  决定系数
英文关键词: Procambarus clarlii  quantitative trait  abdominal muscle weight  correlation coefficient  path analysis  determination coefficient
基金项目:安徽省农业科学院院长青年创新基金 (1 4 B 0 5 3 0);安徽省农业科学院科技创新团队项目 (13C0506);安徽省现代农业水产(虾蟹类)产业技术 体系(皖农科[2011]6 号)
陈 静,何吉祥,宋光同,汪 翔,佘 磊,武 松 安徽省农科院水产研究所安徽 合肥 230031 
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      采用多元线性回归和通径分析方法,研究克氏原螯虾数量性状对腹部肌肉质量的影响。结果表 明,16 个性状间的相关系数均达到极显著水平;通过对各数量性状对腹部肌肉质量的通径分析和决定效应分 析,发现体长对腹部肌肉质量的直接作用和直接决定效应均最大,其系数分别为0.314 和0.0986,是影响腹 部肌肉质量最主要的性状。经多元回归分析,采用逐步回归方法,剔除偏回归系数不显著的性状,建立了体 长(X1)、腹节长(X6)、第三腹节宽(X11)、第三腹节高(X12)、螯长(X2)和体质量(Y1)对腹部肌肉质量 (Y2)的最优回归方程:Y2=-2.837+0.023X1+0.051X6+0.078X11+0.062X12-0.009X2+0.02Y1,R2=0.827(P<0.01)。 基于对腹部肌肉质量决定效应的大小,体长可作为克氏原螯虾良种选育的目标性状。
      Effects of quantitative traits on abdominal muscle weight of Procambarus clarlii were studied by multiple regression analysis and path analysis. The results showed that the corresponding path coefficients among the 16 quantitative traits were highly significant. Path and determination effects analysis of quantitative traits on abdominal muscle weight showed that body length was the main effect trait,the direct effect and indirect effect decisions were the highest,the coefficients were 0.314 and 0.0986. The other quantitative traits with insignificant partial regression coefficient were excluded,so the best multiple regression equation,viz. the relation of abdominal muscle weight to body length(X1),abdominal segment length(X6),the third abdominal segment width(X11),the third abdominal segment height(X12),pincers length(X2)and body weight(Y1)was established as Y2 =-2.837+0.023X1+0.051X6 +0.078X11 +0.062X12-0.009X2 +0.02Y1,R2=0.827(P<0.01). The result indicated that body length was the target trait for selective breeding of P. clarlii.
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