王道京1,桑文静1,周雪飞2,张亚雷1,2,杨学军1.生物炭在土壤中的运动迁移及其对 土壤污染物影响研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(19):122-129
查看全文    HTML 生物炭在土壤中的运动迁移及其对 土壤污染物影响研究进展
Advance in biochar transport in soil andits impact on soil pollutants
中文关键词: 生物炭  污染物  运动迁移  滞留  影响因素
英文关键词: biochar  pollutant  transport  retention  influence factor
王道京1,桑文静1,周雪飞2,张亚雷1,2,杨学军1 1. 同济大学现代农业科学与工程研究院上海 200092 2. 同济大学污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室上海 200092 
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      近年来,生物炭作为一类新型环境功能材料,具有比表面积大、孔隙率高、表面活性基团多等特 性,在治理农业面源污染、改善气候条件、土壤性能改良等方面备受关注,成为环境科学等学科研究的前沿热 点。介绍了生物炭结构和基本特性,对国内外生物炭及其所吸附的污染物在土壤多孔介质中的运动迁移及滞 留机理研究进行综述,并分析了影响生物炭运动迁移的影响因素。最后对生物炭在土壤系统运动迁移研究进 行总结和展望,为生物炭的应用和推广提供一定思路。
      In recent years,biochar has been well known as a new kind of environmental functional material in controlling the agricultural nonpoint source pollution,improving the weather conditions and soil quality because of its large surface area,high porosity,and multi surface active groups and so on. It has become a research front of environmental science research filed. In this paper,we briefly introduced the structure and basic characteristics of biochar,and reviewed the transport and retention mechanisms of biochar with adsorbed contaminants in the soil porous media at home and abroad,with an analysis of the factors that influence the biochar migration. Finally,we summarized the researches on the biochar migration in soil system,to provide some ideas for the application and popularization of biochar in the future.
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