郭永坚,罗昭林,李俊伟,颉晓勇,陈素文,朱长波.2012—2013 年流沙湾海水养殖区 水环境质量评价[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(19):130-136
查看全文    HTML 2012—2013 年流沙湾海水养殖区 水环境质量评价
Assessment of water environmental quality of maricultureareas in Liusha Bay in 2012-2013
中文关键词: 流沙湾  海水养殖  营养盐  水质
英文关键词: Liusha Bay  mariculture  nutrient  water quality
基金项目:国家“ 十二五” 科技支撑计划项目 (2011BAD13B02);广东省海洋渔业科技与产业发展专 项(Z201502)
郭永坚,罗昭林,李俊伟,颉晓勇,陈素文,朱长波 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/ 农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室广东 广州 510300 
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      通过调查2012—2013 年流沙湾海水养殖区4 个季度的水质数据,分析流沙湾海域基本理化指 标及变化趋势,采用有机污染评价指数(A)、营养状态指数(E)和海水营养状态质量指数(NQI)法综合 评价该养殖海域的水环境质量状况。结果显示,流沙湾海水养殖区溶解无机磷(DIP)浓度较低(普遍小于 0.05 mg/L),而溶解无机氮(DIN)浓度则普遍较高,尤其是春季(0.692~3.067 mg/L)和夏季(0.521~0.979 mg/L),水体属于明显的P 限制;化学需氧量(COD)呈春夏两季较高的特征(分别为4.62~5.81 和2.87~3.65 mg/L);夏秋两季内港的叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度较高(4.85~8.79 μg/L)、水体呈中度富营养化,而夏季外港的 1 号及3 号站位则呈明显的富营养化状态(叶绿素a 浓度>10 μg/L);夏季至冬季的E 指数普遍>1,各季NQI 指数均>3,养殖海域已经处于严重的富营养化状态;春夏季的有机污染严重(A 指数普遍>4),秋冬两季有 机污染状况恢复至中度污染以下(A 指数<4)。与往年相比,流沙湾海水养殖区的DIN 浓度明显增加,富营养 化状态凸显。
      Based on the quarterly investigation data from 2012 to 2013,the basic physical and chemical indexes of water quality of mariculture areas in Liusha Bay were analyzed,and the water environmental quality was assessed by the methods of organic pollution index(A),eutrophication index(E)and nutrient quality index(NQI). The results showed that the general concentration of inorganic phosphorus(DIP)was lower than 0.05 mg/L,while that of inorganic nitrogen(DIN)was relatively high,especially in spring and summer(0.692-3.067 mg/L and 0.521-0.979 mg/L,respectively),indicating a phosphorus limitation in mariculture areas in Liusha Bay. Comparatively higher concentration of COD was found in spring(4.62-5.81 mg/L)and summer(2.87-3.65 mg/L). The concentration of Chl-a of inner harbor was at the range of 4.85-8.79 μg/L in summer and autumn,indicating a moderate eutrophication of water body. With a concentration of Chl-a exceed 10 μg/L in summer,station 1 and station 3 of outer harbor presented obvious eutrophication. Serious eutrophication state was characterized by higher values of E(more than 1 from summer to winter)and NQI(surpass 3 every quarter). Serious in spring and summer(value of A exceed 4),the organic pollution was improved in autumn and winter(value of A lower than 4). In contrast with previous data,sharp increased concentration of DIN and heavier eutrophication were witnessed.
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