龚建英,王华新,龙定建,陈宝玲,陈 尔,苏莉花.石斛观赏利用价值综合评价[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):19-25
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Comprehensive evaluation on ornamental andutilization value of Dendrobium
中文关键词: 石斛  观赏利用  综合评价  层次分析法
英文关键词: Dendrobium  ornamental and utilization  comprehensive evaluation  AHP
基金项目:广西林科院基本科研业务费专项(林科 [2014]25 号);广西林业科技专项(桂林科字[2010] 第1 号,桂林科字[2013]第5 号)
龚建英,王华新,龙定建,陈宝玲,陈 尔,苏莉花 广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院广西 南宁 530002 
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      对收集的46 种石斛原生种进行了5 年引种驯化和观察,应用层次分析法,对花色、花径、花型、 花朵数、花期长短、花香、自然花期、唇瓣、成活率、抗病、抗虫、生长势、株高、株型、假鳞茎形状、节间距、 假鳞茎颜色、叶色、叶质地、叶形、新芽数、座果率等22 个指标进行综合评价,建立石斛观赏利用价值的评价 体系。结果表明:成活率对石斛观赏利用价值的影响最大,其权重为14.3%;其次是株型,其权重为13.4%; 第三是花色,其权重为13.3%。46 种石斛原生种聚类分析结果发现:Ⅰ级10 个,占21.7%;Ⅱ级18 种,占 39.1%;Ⅲ级11 种,占23.9%;Ⅳ级7 种,占15.2%。采用此评价体系,筛选出越南原生种石斛种类蜻蜓石斛、 黄喉石斛、越南黄贝壳石斛以及我国原生种石斛种类鼓槌石斛、密花石斛、球花石斛、喇叭唇石斛、重唇石 斛、金钗石斛、杯鞘石斛10 种石斛观赏利用价值最佳,这些优良种类可直接组培繁殖进行盆花生产。
      Forty-six native species of Dendrobium were cultivated and observed for five years,22 indexes including flower color,flower diameter,flower type,number of flowers,fragrance,flowering days,nature flowering time,labellum,survival rate,disease resistance,insect resistance,plant height,plant type,growth vigour, pseudobulb shape,internode,pseudobulb color,leaf color,leaf texture,leaf type,new bud number,fruiting rate were comprehensively evaluated to establish the evaluation system of ornamental and utilization value of Dendrobium by means of AHP. The results showed that survival rate,plant type and flower color had important effects on the ornamental and utilization value of Dendrobium,and their weights were 14.3%,13.4% and 13.3% respectively. 46 species of Dendrobium were clustered into 4 grades by K-Means cluster method. There were 10 species in graded Ⅰ class,18 species in graded Ⅱ class,11 species in graded Ⅲ class,7 species in graded Ⅳ class, the occupancies were 21.7%,39.1%,23.9% and 15.2% respectively. By using the evaluation system,Vietnam native species including Den. chrysotoxum,Den. pulchellum and Den.signatum,Chinese native species like Den. polyanthum,Den. lituiflorum, Den.hercoglossum,Den.nobile,D.densiflorum,Den.thyrsiflorum and Den. gratiosissimum were screened out,they had superior ornamental value and was fit to pot production by tissue propagation
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