马景锐1,薛 辉2,徐 磊2,边巴多吉2,邢 震1.西藏乌头属植物多样性研究及其应用[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):26-33
查看全文    HTML 西藏乌头属植物多样性研究及其应用
Study on diversity of the plants of Genus AconitumAnd its application in Tibet
中文关键词: 西藏  乌头属  物种多样性  应用
英文关键词: Tibet  aconitum  monkshood  application
基金项目:西南边疆项目(A09036);西藏大学农牧 学院研究生创新计划项目(YJS-2015-15)
马景锐1,薛 辉2,徐 磊2,边巴多吉2,邢 震1 1. 西藏大学农牧学院资源与环境学院西藏 林芝 860100 2. 西藏自治区林业调查规划研究院西藏 拉萨 850000 
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      通过野外调查和文献整理,探明西藏现有乌头属植物73 种,占全国乌头属植物总种数(含变 种)的20.50%;该属资源丰富度在全国范围内仅次于四川和云南,且均具有较高的观赏价值,其中现较明确 的药用种类有13 种,占西藏乌头属植物总种数的17.81%;其特有性极高,中国特有种66 种,其中包含西藏特 有种40 种,中国特有的比例达到90.41%,西藏特有也高达54.79%。在对其药用价值和观赏价值分析基础上, 提出了建立资源圃、保护野外生境、合理有序开发和尽快进行新品种培育等保护开发建议。
      Based on a full-scale and systematic investigation and literature collection,there are 73 species (including varieties) of Aconitum in Tibet,accounting for 20.50% of this genus in China. The richness of Aconitum. ssp ranks third following Sichuan and Yunnan province in our nation. All species of this genus possess high ornamental value. Particularly,13 species of them have definitely medical functions which account for 17.81% of all the species of this genus in Tibetan. Besides,Aconitum. spp has extremely high endemism. 66 endemic species distribute nationwide including 40 species that only habitat in Tibet. The endemism proportions of Chinese and Tibet to the world reach 90.41% and 54.72% respectively. On the basis of the analysis of plant medical and ornamental value,measures like establishing germplasm,protecting habitat,reasonable development and cultivating new varieties should be taken immediately.
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