王莉爽,陈小均,陈 文,谭清群,杨学辉.贵州蔬菜病毒病主要病毒种类检测[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):63-67
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Detection of main viral species of vegetablevirus deseases in Guizhou
中文关键词: 蔬菜病毒病  种类  检测
英文关键词: vegetable virus diseases  species  detection
基金项目:国家公益性行业( 农业) 科研专项 (201303028);贵州省农业科学院研究生科研创新基金 (黔农科合[创新基金]2012005);贵州省农科院自主 创新科研专项(2014002)
王莉爽,陈小均,陈 文,谭清群,杨学辉 贵州省植物保护研究所贵州 贵阳 550006 
摘要点击次数: 1567
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      采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(DAS-ELISA)法对采自贵州省3 个蔬菜种植区的952 份疑似 蔬菜病毒病样品进行黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)、烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV)、芜菁花叶病毒(Turnip mosaic virus,TuMV)、番茄斑萎病毒(Tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV)、蚕 豆萎蔫病毒(Broad bean wilt virus,BBWV)和黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒(Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, CGMMV)等6 种病毒毒原检测。结果检出阳性样品273 份,占总样品数的28.68%,其中CMV 阳性检出率最 高,占总样品数的16.49%,其余5 种病毒的阳性检出率依次为2.63%、2.10%、1.05%、1.58% 和0.53%,CMV 为贵州省蔬菜上的主要病毒种类。就单一病毒侵染蔬菜的情况分析,供试12 种蔬菜均检出CMV,TuMV 在茄 子、白菜、萝卜和甘蓝中检出较多,而TSWV 主要在番茄和辣椒样本中检出。存在CMV+TMV、CMV+TuMV、 CMV+TSWV、CMV+BBWV、TuMV+BBWV 和 CMV+TuMV+BBWV 等 6 种复合侵染类型,其中CMV+TMV 阳性 检出率相对最高,达2.52%。城市近郊正季蔬菜区茄科和豆科蔬菜病毒侵染类型较多,十字花科病毒侵染类型 最少,葫芦科在冬春喜温蔬菜区病毒侵染类型最多,表明贵州中、高海拔温凉山区比低海拔温热河谷区适于多 种病毒发生。
      DAS-ELISA method was used to detect 952 suspected vegetable virus samples which were planted in diverse planting regions in Guizhou Province,6 virus DAS-ELISA tests:CMV,TMV,TuMV,TSWV,BBWV and CGMMV were conducted. The results showed that the positive samples number were 273,which accounted for 28.68% of the total samples. CMV took the highest positive rate with 16.49%,followed by other 5 viruses,orderly with 2.63%, 1.58%,0.53%,1.05% and 2.10%,respectively. It suggested that the major virus type infecting vegetables was CMV in Guizhou Province. According to the infection of single virus,CMV was found in all 12 vegetables. TuMV was found in eggplant,Chinese cabbage,radish and cabbage,and TSWV in pepper and tomato. There were 6 complex virus infection types,including CMV+TMV,CMV+TuMV,CMV+TSWV,CMV+BBWV,TuMV+BBWV and CMV+TuMV+BBWV. The positive rate of CMV+TMV was 2.52%,higher than others. In the vegetable planting regions in city suburbs,the vegetables of solanaceae leguminosae were infected the most,the vegetables of cruciferae were infected the least,the vegetables of Cucurbitaceae were more in the thermophilic vegetable planting regions in winter and spring. The results show that it is suitable for virus growth in the high altitude temperature areas than in the low altitude warm valley areas.
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