廖小锋,谢元贵,赵晓朋.喀斯特峰丛洼地适生植物碳 储量异质性对比研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):129-133
查看全文    HTML 喀斯特峰丛洼地适生植物碳 储量异质性对比研究
Comparative study on heterogeneity of carbon storageof suitable plants in depression between karst hills
中文关键词: 喀斯特峰丛洼地  碳储量  碳含率  异质性
英文关键词: depression between karst hills  carbon storage  carbon content  heterogeneity
基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合S Y 字 [2012]3008,黔科合SY 字[2011]3108,黔科合SY 字 [2009]3084,黔科合SY 字[2013]3169)
廖小锋,谢元贵,赵晓朋 贵州科学院贵州省山地资源研究所贵州 贵阳 550001 
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      研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地10 种3 年生植物碳储量的异质性。结果表明:(1)不同植物的同一器官 或同一植物的不同器官碳含率存在一定的差异,喀斯特峰丛洼地植被平均碳含率为40.49%,乔木、灌木和藤 本的碳含率依次为灌木>乔木>藤本,分别为43.21%、40.25% 和38.11%,碳含率变异系数以欧李最大、为 8.28%,铁籽最小、为 1.66%;( 2)不同植物同一物种各器官的碳储量除地瓜藤外均以干的碳储量为最高,乔 木和灌木各器官碳储量除枇杷、香椿和石岩枫(干>叶>枝)外均表现为干>枝>叶,藤本除地瓜藤外各器 官碳储量均表现为干>叶>枝>根,同时不同物种同一器官碳储量也存在差异;(3)乔木、灌木和藤本干的碳 储量占各自总碳储量的比例表现为乔木>灌木>藤本。
      Carbon storage heterogeneity of 10 kinds of 3-year-old plants in depression between karst hills were studied. The results showed that:(1)There were some differences for carbon holdup in the same organ of different plants or different organs of one plant,the average carbon holdup of plants was 40.49% in depression between karst hills,the order of carbon holdup showed as shrubs > trees > vines,the values were 43.21%, 40.25% and 38.11% respectively,the variation coefficient of Cerasus humilis was the largest and it of Myrsine africana was the least,the values were 8.28% and 1.66% respectively.(2)The carbon storage of different organs in the same plant performanced as follows: carbon storage of trunk was the highest except Ficus tikoua, the carbon storage of different organs of trees and shrubs appeared as trunk > branch > leaf except Eriobotrya japonica,Toona sinensis and Mallotus repandus(trunk > leaf > branch),the carbon storage of different organs of vines appeared as trunk > leaf > branch > root,and the carbon storage of the same organ in different plants was different.(3)The proportion of trunk carbon storage in total carbon storage of appeared as trees > shrubs > vines.
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