陈拾娇,蔡海生,张 盟,金 伟.不同类型农户土地承包经营权流转行为分析 ——以江西赣州市201 户农户为例[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):164-169
查看全文    HTML 不同类型农户土地承包经营权流转行为分析 ——以江西赣州市201 户农户为例
Research on transfer behavior of different types of farmersfor contracted land management right—A case study on 201 farmers in Ganzhou of Jiangxi Province
中文关键词: 农户  承包地  经营权  流转  影响因素
英文关键词: f a r m e r  c o n t r a c t e d l a n d  management right  transfer  influence factor
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(71333004); 农业部“十三五”农业农村经济发展规划编制前期研究 重大课题(农财发[2014]106 号);江西省科技支撑计 划项目(20133BBF60011);南昌市“十二五”社科规划 课题重点项目(Zd201302)
陈拾娇,蔡海生,张 盟,金 伟 江西农业大学江西省鄱阳湖流域农业资源与生态重点实验室/ 南昌市鄱阳湖生态重点实验室/ 农村土地资源利用与保护研究中心江西 南昌 330045 
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      以赣州市201 户农户调查数据为基础,分析不同类型农户的特征和土地流转行为,通过建立 Logistic 模型,从户主特征、农户资源禀赋、承包地流转特征、政策认知4 个方面对不同类型农户土地流转行为 的主要影响因素进行定量分析。被调查的201 户农户按职业、收入分为纯农户、兼业户、非农户,占比分别为 5%、60.2%、34.8%;户主年龄、家庭劳动力数量是影响纯农户转入土地的主要因素;家庭人均收入是兼业户转 出土地考虑的关键因素;非农户流转土地受家庭劳动力数量、承包地距中心城镇距离、流转费用和流转年限等 综合因素影响。根据不同类型农户特征和土地流转行为及其影响因素差异,制定不同政策引导农户土地流转 是保障农户土地权益和发展权益,推动现代农业发展的必然选择。
      Based on the survey data of 201 farmer households in Ganzhou,Jiangxi province, this paper analyzed the characteristics of different types of farmer households and the behavior of land transfer. Through the establishment of Logistic model,this paper analyzed the main factors affecting the behavior of land transfer by different types of farmer households,including the characteristics of the head of household,the natural endowment of farmers,contracted land transfer characteristics and policy awareness. According to the occupation and income,201 farmer households could be divided into peasant households,part-time farmer households,non farmer households,accounting for 5%,60.2%,34.8% respectively. The age of the head of household and the number of family labor were the main factors that affect the transfer of land. Family income per capita was a key factor to consider by part-time farmer households to transfer land. The non farmer households were influenced by the number of family labor force,the distance from the central town,the cost of circulation and the transfer time. According to the characteristics of different types of farmers,land transfer behavior and its influencing 在农用地所有权、承包权和经营权分置的基础 上实行经营权流转,使农用地适度集中,有利于实 现现代农业的规模经营,同时也使农村剩余劳动力 factors,it is an inevitable choice to make different policies to guide farmers’ land transfer for protecting the land rights and interests of farmers,for promoting the development of modern agriculture
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