陈 磊,陈 燕,陈宇阳,陈文宽.四川省耕地演变时空特征及影响因素研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(20):176-181
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Study on temporal and spatial characteristics andinfluencing factors of cultivated land changein Sichuan province
中文关键词: 耕地  时空特征  影响因素  四川省
英文关键词: cultivated land  temporal and spatial characteristic  influencing factor  Sichuan province
基金项目:四川省社会科学规划重大项目(SC14 ZD09)
陈 磊,陈 燕,陈宇阳,陈文宽 四川农业大学管理学院四川 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 1461
全文下载次数: 631
      新常态背景下,中央提出确保耕地红线不突破,把握四川省耕地演变状况,对四川省合理利用耕 地资源具有重要的理论价值和意义。利用2000-2013 年耕地数据分析该省耕地演变时间特征,并运用区位熵 和相对变化率分析该省耕地演变空间特征,基于此,借助PCA 法探讨该省耕地演变的影响因素。结果表明: (1)四川省耕地总量和耕地人均数量呈下降趋势;(2)成都平原的耕地区域集聚程度最高,川西北高原和川 西南山地的耕地区域集聚程度较低;(3)耕地地域差异较大的地区主要分布在川西南山地和川西北高原(除 阿坝州外)以及部分丘陵地区,耕地地域差异较小的地区主要集中在四川盆地;(4)形成这种时空特征的影 响因素主要是社会经济因素、人口因素、农业生产因素。
      Under the new normal background,the central government puts forward that the red line of cultivated land shall be guaranteed and the change of cultivated land in Sichuan province shall be mastered,which has important theoretical value and significance for the rational utilization of cultivated land resources in Sichuan province. The data of cultivated land in 2000-2013 was used for analyzing the temporal characteristics of cultivated land change,and the location entropy and relative change rate were used for analyzing the spatial characteristics of cultivated land change. On this basis,factors influencing the cultivated land change in the province were discussed by means of PCA. The results showed that:(1)the total cultivated land and per capita cultivated land in Sichuan province decreased;( 2)The agglomeration degree of cultivated land in Chengdu Plain is the highest,while that in Northwest and Southwest Sichuan was relatively low;( 3)The regions with the largest regional differences in cultivated land were mainly distributed in Southwest and Northwest Sichuan(except Aba Autonomous Prefecture)and parts of cultivated land in hilly areas, and the regions with less regional differences in cultivated land were mainly concentrated in the Basin of Sichuan;(4) The main influencing factors of the spatial and temporal characteristics were the social-economic factors,demographic factors,and agricultural production factors.
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