王 刚1,陈 兵1,张 鑫1,王旭文1,韩焕勇1,王方永1,赵 海2.化学打顶剂对新陆早48 号棉花 生长发育及产量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(21):11-14
查看全文    HTML 化学打顶剂对新陆早48 号棉花 生长发育及产量的影响
Influences of chemical topping agent on growthand yield of cotton Xinluzao 48
中文关键词: 打顶剂  棉花  新陆早48 号  生长发育  产量
英文关键词: topping agent  cotton  Xinluzao 48  growth  yield
基金项目:新疆生产建设兵团技术转移项目(2013 BD049);国家自然科学基金(41161068);新疆农垦科学 院科技引导计划项目(41YYD201201,64YYD201401)
王 刚1,陈 兵1,张 鑫1,王旭文1,韩焕勇1,王方永1,赵 海2 1. 新疆农垦科学院新疆 石河子 832000 2. 石河子农业科学研究院棉花研究所新疆 石河子 832000 
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      以新陆早48 号为材料,开展土优塔棉花打顶剂的田间比较试验,研究化学打顶对棉花农艺性状、 品质、产量等的影响,结果表明,经不同用量土优塔棉花打顶剂处理后,棉花的株高、果枝台数、叶龄数等农 艺性状均优于人工打顶(CK),打净率在80% 以上。化学打顶不同用量处理棉花的单铃重增大,皮棉重、霜前 花率与对照无明显差异,喷施600、750、900 mL/hm2 用量土优塔棉花打顶剂相对于对照具有增产效果。化学打 顶不同处理的百粒重、籽指、衣指、纤维长度、马克隆值、整齐度、伸长率等与对照相比均无显著差异。说明土 优塔棉花打顶剂能有效控制株高,但对棉花的产量和品质影响不大。
      Abstract:With Xinluzao 48 as materials,field comparison test of soil tower cotton topping agent was carried out to study the effects of chemical topping agent on agronomic traits,yield,quality of cotton,to provide a scientific basis for the popularization and application of chemical topping technology for cotton. Results showed that,in different dosage of soil tower cotton topping treatment,the plant height,branch number,leaf number were better than those of artificial topping(CK),and the net rate of topping was more than 80%;The single boll weight increased,ginned cotton weight and pre frost flower rate had no significant difference with the control(CK),praying 600,750,900 mL/hm2 soil tower cotton topping agent had yield-increasing effect;100-seed weight,seed index,lint index,fiber length,micronaire value,uniformity and elongation had no significant difference with the control. The result indicates that tower soil cotton topping agent can effectively control the plant height,but has no obvious effect on the yield and quality of cotton.
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