查看全文    HTML 两种缓释肥在新植甘蔗上的应用效果研究
Application effects of two kinds of slow-releasefertilizer on new plant sugar cane
中文关键词: 甘蔗  缓释肥料  施肥技术  效益  互作
英文关键词: sugarcane  slow- release fertilizer  fertilizer technology  benefit  interaction
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项基 金(CARS-20-3-2)
吴洁敏,吴静妮,陆国盈,韩世健,黄京华 广西大学农学院/ 广西高校作物栽培学与耕作学重点实验室广西 南宁 530004 
摘要点击次数: 1378
全文下载次数: 468
      为进一步探讨甘蔗高糖高产的栽培模式,减少劳动力支出,提高肥料利用率,达到甘蔗种植效益 的最大化,需要对甘蔗的施肥技术进行研究。试验选用甘蔗品种桂糖97-69 为供试材料,金正大缓释肥、久 田缓释肥、福利龙复合肥3 种肥料为供试肥料。试验设全生育期不同施肥次数的2 个水平分别为:一次施肥, 二次施肥。试验设不同肥料种类和不同施肥方法两因子6 个不同处理组合,用A1B1、A2B1、A3B1、A1B2、 A2B2、A3B2 表示。结果表明,甘蔗的分蘖率二次施肥比一次施肥下降55.2%;蔗茎产量方面,二次施肥比一次 施肥增产660 kg/667m2,差异显著;在施肥种类和施肥次数互作方面,施用复合肥使得蔗茎产量、甘蔗含糖量 等多项指标均排在前列,综合性状较好;在经济效益方面,总体上二次施肥比一次施肥高。
      This study researched the fertilization technology of sugarcane in order to further explore the cultivation mode of sugarcane with high yield and rich sugar,increase fertilizer use efficiency,reduce labor costs and maximize the benefits of sugarcane planting. Sugarcane variety GT97-69 was used as material,Jin Zhengda,Jiutian and Fulilong ware used as fertilizer. The frequency of fertilization and the kind of fertilizer were the two main factors in this experiment, 6 different treatment combinations(A1B1,A2B1,A3B1,A1B2,A2B2,A3B2)ware set in the whole stages of GT97-69, A standed for the kind of fertilizer and B standed for the frequency of fertilization. The results showed that the sugarcane tillering rate of fertilization doubled 55.2% lower than that of single-dose application. The sugarcane stem yield of secondary fertilizer increased by 660 kg / 667 m2 than single-dose application,and the difference reached significant level. In terms of number of fertilizer variety and fertilization interaction,by application of compound fertilizer, sugarcane stem yield,and sugar content ranked high,and the treatment had good comprehensive properties. In terms of economic efficiency,secondary fertilizer was higher than single-dose fertilization.
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