查看全文    HTML 干旱区不同植物群落下土壤粒度特征研究
Analysis of soil grain size characteristics in typicalplant communities in arid areas
中文关键词: 艾比湖湿地  粒度特征  空间变异
英文关键词: Ebinur Lake wetland  grain size characteristics  spatial variability
张小萌,李艳红,赵明亮 新疆师范大学地理科学与旅游学院/ 新疆维吾尔自治区重点实验室/ 新疆干旱区湖泊环境与资源实验室新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054 
摘要点击次数: 2029
全文下载次数: 566
      为探讨干旱区不同植物群落下土壤粒度特征,运用地统计学方法对艾比湖湿地7 种不同植被下土 壤粒度组成、分布特征及空间变异进行分析。结果表明:(1)除盐节木以极细砂为主、梭梭以细砂为主以外, 其他均以粉砂为主;芦苇、梭梭和胡杨的土壤粒度为弱变异,碱蓬、盐节木、柽柳和黑果枸杞的土壤粒度为中 等变异;除梭梭下土壤分选性较好外,其他植物群落下土壤分选性较差,偏度均属负偏,峰态为窄峰态。(2) 碱蓬、芦苇、柽柳、盐节木和胡杨的土壤粒径均呈现为底层大于表层,黑果枸杞群落则相反,梭梭群落各层土 壤颗粒的差异不大,样地土壤平均粒径具有强烈空间自相关性。(3)芦苇群落下土壤粒径与土壤盐分相关性 较弱,碱蓬、盐节木、梭梭、柽柳、胡杨、黑果枸杞与盐分相关性较强,芦苇和黑果枸杞群落下土壤粒径与土壤 含水量呈显著负相关,其他植物群落下土壤粒径与土壤含水量相关性不大。(4)艾比湖不同植物群落下土壤 粒度变化受大风、季节性洪水、湖泊面积波动、土壤类型及成土母质等结构性因素的影响。
      Abstract: plant communities in Ebinur Lake wetland were studied by geo-statistical method.The results showed that:(1)The dominant grain size in Halocnemum was very fine sand,Haloxylon was fine sand while others were silt.Apart from the weak variability in Phragmites,Populus euphratica and Haloxylon communities,soil granularity had medium variability in other communities. Most communities had poor sorting characteristics except Haloxylon.Skewness was negative, Kurtosis was narrow.(2)With the soil depth increasing,soil particle size in Suaeda,Phragmites,Tamarix,Populus euphratica and Halocnemum showed that larger at the bottom than that at the surface,while Lycium ruthenicum on the contrary.Soil particles in Haloxylon layers had small differences,but each of them had different characters.(3) As for the correlations of soil particles among seven kinds of plant communities,the correlations with soil salinity in Phragmites communitiy was weak,while others were strong.The correlations with soil moisture in Phragmites and Lycium ruthenicum communities were negative,while others were weak.(4)The soil grain size characteristics in different plants were affected by wind,seasonal flood,fluctuation of lake area,soil type and soil parent material.
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