高 攀,刘济明,李丽霞,骆 畅,王军才.米槁种子生物学特性研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):23-27
查看全文    HTML 米槁种子生物学特性研究
Biological characteristics of Cinnamomum migao seed
中文关键词: 米槁种子  生物学特性  种子发芽率
英文关键词: Cinnamomum migao H. W. Li seed  biological characteristics  seed germination rate
基金项目:贵州省林业厅重大项目( 黔林科合 [2010]重大04 号);贵州省科学技术厅项目(黔科合 SY 字[2015]3023-1);黔南州社会发展科技计划项目 “黔南石漠化生态治理与示范研究”
高 攀,刘济明,李丽霞,骆 畅,王军才 贵州大学林学院贵州 贵阳 550025 
摘要点击次数: 1428
全文下载次数: 543
      为了了解米槁种子的生物学特征,为生产实践提供基础数据,首先对种子基本形态进行观察,包 括外观形态特征、大小、千粒重等,同时还对种子的净度、含水率、吸水率、不同储藏方式的种子活力、发芽率 等进行了测定。结果表明,米槁种子的颜色为褐色或红褐色,形状为纺锤体,长0.9~1.5 cm,宽0.8~1.0 cm,厚 0.75~0.95 cm,千粒重为312.99 g,单粒重为0.32 g,属于大粒种子,种皮坚硬且厚。种子净度为97.88%,含水 率为14.10%;在浸种36 h 后吸水达到最大,吸水率为33.53%、小于40%,透水性较差;种子活力方面,刚取 回来的种子活力较高、为83.3%,分3 种不同的储藏方式储藏后,随着储藏时间的增加,种子的活力均下降, 室温袋藏的活力下滑最快,沙藏是保存米槁种子活力的最好储藏方式。在米槁种子常规发芽试验中,秋播的发 芽率较低、仅为1.67%,春播的发芽率相对较高、为38.3%,但总体上来说米槁种子正常播种的发芽率较低;对 米槁种子进行机械破皮处理,以无处理为对照,处理后的种子萌发率明显增加,处理后的种子萌发率为52%, 对照为36%;用浓硫酸浸泡种子,浸泡40 min 后发芽率最高、为68%。因此,种皮坚硬是阻碍米槁种子正常萌 发的一个限制因素。
      In order to understand the biological characteristics of Cinnamomum migao H. W. Li seed,the basic forms of seed were observed,including morphological characteristics,size,1000-grain weight,etc. Also seed cleanliness,moisture content,water absorption,seed vigor of different storage methods,germination rate were determined. The results show that,C. migao H. W.Li seed is brown or reddish-brown and its shape is spindle,with seed length 0.9-1.5 cm,width 0.8-1.0 cm,thick 0.75-0.95 cm,grain weight is 312.99 g,single seed weight is 0.32 g,it belongs to large seed,the seed coat is hard and thick. The cleanliness of seed is 97.88%, the moisture content is 14.1%. Water absorption rate is 33.53%,that is the largest after 36 hours of soaking,but it is less than 40%,water permeability is poor. About seed vigor,the seed that is just get ten back has high vigor, seed vigor is 83.3%,with the increase of storage time,seed vigor decreases after stored under three different methods,the vitality of seed of bag storage fall the fastest,tibetan sand storage is the best way to save C. migao H. W. Li seed. In conventional germination test of C. migao H. W. Li seed, the germination rate of autumn sowing is low,only 1.67%,lower than that of spring sowing(38.3%),but on the whole,the seed germination rate is very low. After treatment of mechanical broken skin,seed germination rate significantly increases, with 52%,while the non-treated control is 36%. Soaking the seeds with concentrated sulfuric acid,the highest germination rate is 68% after soaking 40 min. Therefore,the hard seed coat is a limiting factor to normal germination of C. migao H. W. Li seed.
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