邹士玉1,吴成顺2,刘 飞2,郭 斌2,陈 彤3,曹 庸3.不同产地陈皮油中3 种多甲氧基黄酮 含量及香气成分分析[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):79-85
查看全文    HTML 不同产地陈皮油中3 种多甲氧基黄酮 含量及香气成分分析
Contents of three kinds of multi-methoxy flavonoids and aromacomponents in tangerine peel oils from different origins
中文关键词: 陈皮油  川陈皮素  七甲氧基黄酮  橘皮素  香气成分
英文关键词: tangerine peel oils  nobiletin  seven-methoxy flavonoids  tangeretin  aroma component
邹士玉1,吴成顺2,刘 飞2,郭 斌2,陈 彤3,曹 庸3 1. 无限极(中国)有限公司广东 广州 5106652. 广州绿萃生物科技有限公司广东 广州 510663 3. 华南农业大学食品学院广东 广州 510642 
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      测定了广西、广东新会、广州近郊、江西、湖南等5 个陈皮主产地的陈皮油中3 种多甲氧基黄酮 (川陈皮素、七甲氧基黄酮、橘皮素)的含量及其香气成分,并进行了比较分析,为陈皮原料的选择及陈皮产 地的鉴别提供依据。多甲氧基黄酮的测定结果表明,5 个不同产地的陈皮油中,3 种多甲氧基黄酮含量存在明 显差异;其中广西产地的陈皮油中3 种多甲氧基黄酮的含量最高、为33.401 mg/mL;其次是广东新会、江西和 广州近郊的陈皮油,分别为19.091、18.058、16.710 mg/mL;而湖南的陈皮油含量最低、为8.705 mg/mL。GC/MS 结果表明,广东新会产陈皮油含41 个成分,远丰富于其他产地,其他4 个产地陈皮油所含成分主要是烯类物 质(如D- 柠檬烯等),含量均达到陈皮油的95% 以上,而广东新会陈皮油除了含烯类物质外,还含有较多的 烷类和少量的醛、醇类物质,以及维他命E、甜橙素等。
      In this study,the contents of three individual polymethoxylated flavonoids(nobiletin,sevenmethoxy flavonoids,tangeretin)and the aroma components were compared and analyzed in the tangerine peel oils from Guangxi,Guangdong Xinhui,Guangzhou suburbs,Jiangxi and Hunan,to provide evidence for the selection of tangerine peel and the origin identification. The results of the determination of polymethoxylated flavonoids showed that the contents of three individual polymathoxylated flavonoids in tangerine peel oils from the five different origins varied significantly,the tangerine peel from Guangxi ranked the highest,with the total of 33.401 mg/mL,followed by the tangerine peel oils from Guangdong Xinhui,Jiangxi and Guangzhou suburbans,which were 19.091,18.058 and 16.710 mg/mL respectively;and the total contents of the three individual polymethoxylated flavonoids from Hunan origin Tangerine peel was the lowest with 8.705 mg/mL. The GC/MS results showed that tangerine peel oil from Guangdong Xinhui contained 41 constituents,with the main component of olefine,alkane and also a small amount of aldehyde, alcohols,vitamin E,sinensetin and so on,which was far richer than other 4 tangerine peel oils,whose constituents were mainly alkene substances(such as D- limonene etc.). These substances accounted for above 95% of the total tangerine peel oil component.
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