史书伟,陈生超,王泽武,刘军民.MSZY-15 型可移动式籽棉喂料机 设计与关键结构仿真[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):139-143
查看全文    HTML MSZY-15 型可移动式籽棉喂料机 设计与关键结构仿真
Design and key structure simulation of MSZY-15movable seed cotton feeding machine
中文关键词: 可移动式籽棉喂料机  设计  ANASYS 结构分析
英文关键词: movable seed cotton feeding machine  design  ANSYS structure analysis
史书伟,陈生超,王泽武,刘军民 中华全国供销合作总社郑州棉麻工程技术设计研究所河南 郑州 450004 
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      籽棉喂料机是棉花加工行业一种实现籽棉自动喂给功能的机械设备。MSZY-15 型可移动式籽棉 喂料机在设计采用翼片式喂料辊结构、皮带纠偏装置、可移动装置,解决了刺钉打击起火、皮带输送走偏、移 动困难等问题,实现了籽棉货场喂料的连续性和准确性。同时,采用ANSYS 结构分析软件对关键部件进行结 构分析,保证了机器的可靠性。MSZY-15 型可移动式籽棉喂料机通过一个轧季的使用,提高了籽棉喂料效率, 降低了机械故障率。
      Seed cotton feeding machine is a kind of mechanical equipment with auto feeding function of seed cotton in cotton processing industry. MSZY-15 movable seed cotton feeding machine adopts feeding roll structure, belt rectification device and movement device in the design, solves the problems of fire caused by strike of barbed nail, belt transport deviation, difficult movement and so on, and achieves the continuity and accuracy of seed cotton freight yards feeding. ANSYS structural analysis software used in the design conducts structural analysis on key parts to ensure the reliability of the machine. MSZY-15 movable seed cotton feeding machine improves the seed cotton feed efficiency, reduces the machine failure rate by using a ginning season.
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