杨浩雄1,2,魏 彬1.供应链视角下的鲜活农产品质量安全研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):150-155
查看全文    HTML 供应链视角下的鲜活农产品质量安全研究
Study on fresh agricultural products quality and safetyunder the perspective of supply chain
中文关键词: 鲜活农产品  农产品供应链  质量安全监管  系统动力学
英文关键词: fresh agricultural products  agricultural products supply chain  quality and safety supervision  system dynamics
基金项目:北京市社会科学基金重点项目(15JGA 0 2 6 );北京市哲学社会科学规划项目( J G C 0 8 2 , J G C 0 8 8 );北京工商大学研究生科研学术创新基金 (BTBU-YJS-2014-08);互联网环境中北京市零售服务 创新研究(PXM2015_014213_000048)
杨浩雄1,2,魏 彬1 1. 北京工商大学商学院北京 1000482. 首都流通业研究基地北京 100048 
摘要点击次数: 1428
全文下载次数: 609
      从供应链的视角出发,用系统动力学的方法对影响鲜活农产品质量安全因素进行了研究。运用系 统动力学仿真软件Vensim,建立了鲜活农产品质量安全治理的系统动力学模型,对河北省蔬菜质量安全监管 政策进行量化分析。研究发现,生产监管投入与流通监管投入相比,前者对提高鲜活农产品质量水平更有效; 产销地食品安全培训对提高鲜活农产品质量安全水平的效果并不显著;相对于监管投入,生物技术投入更加 具有稳定性和长效性。
      From the perspective of supply chain,using system dynamics simulation software Vensim,the quality and safety system dynamics model of fresh agricultural products was established to quantify the supervision policy of Hebei on vegetables. The results showed that compared with circulation supervision investments,production supervision investments were more effective to improve the level of fresh agricultural products quality. The effect of food safety training in production and marketing was not significant. And Biotechnological investments were more stable than supervision investments.
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