李英普1,2,李子君1,刘 玉2,唐秀美2.基于随机前沿分析的河北省粮食 生产效率及影响因素研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):156-161
查看全文    HTML 基于随机前沿分析的河北省粮食 生产效率及影响因素研究
Grain production efficiency in Hebei province and itsinfluence factors based on stochastic frontier analysis
中文关键词: 随机前沿生产函数  技术效率  粮食生产  河北省
英文关键词: stochastic frontier analysis  technical efficiency  grain production  Hebei province
李英普1,2,李子君1,刘 玉2,唐秀美2 1. 山东师范大学人口资源与环境学院山东 济南 250014 2. 北京农业信息技术研究中心北京 100097 
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      采用随机前沿分析法,系统分析了1994—2013 年河北省11 个地级市粮食生产技术效率的总体情 况、演化特征及地区间差异,对比分析了不同时段粮食生产投入要素产出弹性的变化以及影响因素作用的变 动,为制定粮食生产效率的提升对策提供依据。结果表明:( 1)地级市间技术效率差异较大,张家口、承德技 术效率变动剧烈,且整体上升幅度较小;沧州近5 年来技术效率明显上升;石家庄市等其他地区技术效率平稳 上升,但上升幅度有所不同,部分地区出现了偶然性波动现象。(2)与1994—2003 年相比,2004—2013 年投 入要素的产出弹性变化较大,机械总动力的产出弹性从不显著变为显著正效应;化肥施用折纯量的产出弹性 从显著正效应变为不显著。(3)从影响因素的作用分析,粮作系数和有效灌溉面积比例对技术效率的提升作 用有所降低,但总体上两者对技术效率的作用仍然重要;人均GDP 对技术效率的促进作用越来越明显;自然 灾害对技术效率的抑制作用明显变弱。
      Stochastic frontier approach was used to measure technical efficiency of grain production in 11 cities of Hebei Province from 1994 to 2013 and the influence factors of the technical efficiency,which included analysis of the total situation,variation characteristics,differences of technical efficiency,and analysis of the change of different periods,the output elasticity of the respective input and the function of influence factors. Finally,suggestions for improving grain productive efficiency were put forward. The results showed that the grain technical efficiency had large differences in regions,the change of Zhangjiakou and Chengde was violent. Nearly five years,the technical efficiency of Cangzhou rose obviously. Shijiazhuang and other areas increased steadily,but the rising amplitude was different,and some areas had occasional fluctuation according to time. Compared with 1994 to 2003,the output elasticity of respective input from 2004 to 2013 changed violently,the output elasticity of total power of grain machinery turned to positive effect from no effect,the fertilizer turned to no effect from obvious effect. The percentage of grain crop area to the total planting area and the rate of valid irrigated area had decreasing influence on technical efficiency,but it was still important. GDP per capita had increasing influence on technical efficiency. Natural disaster had decreasing influence on technical efficiency.
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