凌立文,陈建国,周文智,徐小红.广东省67 县域农业经济系统生态效率研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(22):168-174
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Research on eco-efficiency of 67 county agriculturaleconomic systems in Guangdong province
中文关键词: 县域农业  生态效率  能值分析  ArcGis9.3 软件
英文关键词: county agriculture  eco-efficiency  emergy analysis  ArcGis9.3
基金项目::广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD14 XGL27);教育部人文社会科学项目(11YJAZH010)
凌立文,陈建国,周文智,徐小红 华南农业大学数学与信息学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 1341
全文下载次数: 501
      县域农业是国民经济的基本单元,对县域农业经济系统生态效率进行定量分析可为区域农业资 源环境规划与可持续发展提供决策依据。运用能值分析方法,对广东省67 县域2000—2010 年间的生态效率 进行测度,并运用ArcGis9.3 软件对各县域的空间差异进行等级划分与图像表达。结果表明:广东省县域农业 的总体自然环境水平较高,生态环境压力不大;系统的产出效率较高,具有一定比较优势,且粤东整体水平高 于粤西;系统在与外界市场进行交换的过程中处于盈利地位,可持续发展能力较强。结合研究结果,建议形成 以“新丰县- 始兴县- 佛冈县”为辐射中心的广东省可持续发展农业示范区,并以云安县和蕉岭县作为次中 心,带动粤西和粤东地区的农业可持续发展。
      County agriculture is the basic component of national economy. Quantitative analysis of eco-efficiency of county agricultural economic system can provide decision basis to the regional agricultural resource planning and the agricultural sustainable development. Based on emergy analysis method,this paper measured the eco-efficiency of 67 counties in Guangdong province between 2000 and 2010. Spatial variation and grade division images were produced by ArcGis. The results showed that Guangdong county agricultural economic system had a good natural environment as well as a relative high output efficiency. The system had advantages in market exchange activities and gained the substaintial sustainable development capability. According to the research,we suggested to build Guangdong sustainable development agricultural demonstration area with“ Xinxing-Shixing-Fogang” counties as the radical center and the Yunan County and Jiaoling County as the minor center to promote the agricultural development of Yuexi and Yuedong area.
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