余丹妮1,周超贤2,李盟军1,王荣辉1,宁建凤1,姚建武1,艾绍英1.规模化猪场新建厌氧发酵系统对废水 有机污染物的处理效应[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(23):12-16
查看全文    HTML 规模化猪场新建厌氧发酵系统对废水 有机污染物的处理效应
Effects of anaerobic fermentation on reducing organicpollutants in sewage of large-scaled pig farms
中文关键词: 厌氧发酵  猪场  五日生化需氧量  化学需氧量
英文关键词: anaerobic fermentation  pig farm  BOD5  CODCr
基金项目:全球环境基金东亚家畜废物管理项目 (TF056519-CHA);广东省低碳发展专项资金(2011- 046);广东省科技计划项目(2011B020309003);美国环 保局项目
余丹妮1,周超贤2,李盟军1,王荣辉1,宁建凤1,姚建武1,艾绍英1 1. 广东省农科院农业资源与环境研究所/ 农业部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室/ 广东省养分资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农业环保与农村能源总站广东 广州 510500 
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      厌氧发酵系统是目前猪场普遍采用的污水处理技术。选择广东省10 个规模化猪场新建厌氧 发酵系统开展污水动态监测研究。猪场猪舍污水CODCr 和BOD5 浓度分别为1 057.6~3 873.7 mg/L 和 1 847.8~5 515.4 mg/L,厌氧发酵系统出水的CODCr 和BOD5 浓度分别为266.7~1 420.4 mg/L 和534.4~2 490.2 mg/L。经过厌氧发酵系统处理后,污水CODCr 和BOD5 浓度的降幅分别为63.33%~90.09% 和54.82%~87.06%。 猪场沼气池排水中BOD5/CODCr 比值在0.53~0.71 之间,有利于后续的好氧生化处理。沼气池排水经鱼塘、氧化 塘等处理后,最终排出猪场。猪场排水CODCr 和BOD5 浓度较沼气池均明显降低,10 个猪场中有9 个猪场排水 的CODCr 和BOD5 浓度均符合畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准,对周边环境的污染风险较小。
      Anaerobic fermentation technology is widely used to treat piggery sewage. 10 large-scaled pig farms were selected and the organic pollutants in sewage from hoggery and newlybuilt methane tank were monitored dynamically. The value of CODCr and BOD5 in hoggery sewage ranged from 1057.6 to 3873.7 mg/L and 1847.8 to 5515.4 mg/L,respectively. In sewage discharged from the methane tank,value of CODCr and BOD5 ranged from 266.7 to 1 420.4 mg/L and 534.4 to 2 490.2 mg/L,respectively. The value of CODCr and BOD5 in hoggery sewage reduced 63.33%-90.09% and 54.82%-87.06%,respectively,as treated by anaerobic fermentation system. The ratio of BOD5/CODCr in sewage of methane tank was 0.53-0.71,which facilitated the subsequent aerobic treatments. Sewage discharged from the methane tank received further treatment by the fish pond and oxidation pond and then discharged out of the pig farm. The concentrations of COD and BOD in effluent of pig farm increased significantly compared to that in effluent of methane tank. Among the 10 pig farms,contents of COD and BOD in the effluent of nine pig farms met the value of the discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding,which did not pose any pollution potential on surrounding environment.
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