曾 军,杨本鹏,彭李顺,曹峥英,甘仪梅,张树珍,蔡文伟.种植行距对斜排稀植甘蔗脱毒 种苗生长和产量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(23):49-53
查看全文    HTML 种植行距对斜排稀植甘蔗脱毒 种苗生长和产量的影响
Effects of row spacing on growth and yield of sugarcanevirus-free seedling in oblique-planting model
中文关键词: 甘蔗脱毒种苗  斜排稀植  生长  产量  含糖量
英文关键词: sugarcane virus-free seedling  oblique-planting model  growth  cane yield  sugar content
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系(甘蔗)建 设专项资金(CARS-20-6-11,CARS-20-2-5);中国 热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所基本科研业务费 (ITBB130503,ITBB130504)
曾 军,杨本鹏,彭李顺,曹峥英,甘仪梅,张树珍,蔡文伟 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所/ 中国热带农业科学院甘蔗研究中心/ 农业部热带作物生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室海南 海口 571101 
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      :以新台糖22 号二代脱毒种苗为试材,在播种量为45 000 芽/hm2 条件下,考察行距为1.3、1.4、 1.5 m 的斜排稀植模式甘蔗的生长、产量、含糖量变化。结果表明,斜排种植模式下甘蔗分蘖率、不同生育期株 高、单茎重、每公顷蔗茎产量、折算每公顷含糖量均较对照下降,且随行距的增加下降幅度增大;其中1.5 m 行距下斜排种植甘蔗成熟前株高与1.3 m 行距、对照的差异达到显著水平。斜排种植模式下甘蔗成茎率、单位 面积有效茎数、蔗茎直径、蔗茎锤度均较对照增加,且随行距增大增加幅度变大;除1.4 、1.5 m 行距下斜排种 植模式甘蔗成茎率与对照间差异达到显著水平外,其余指标差异均未达到显著水平。
      At the seeding rate of 45 000 buds per hectare and with ROC 22 virus-free seedling as materials,the field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of row spacing(1.3 m,1.4 m,1.5 m) on the sugarcane growth, cane yield and sugar content under oblique-planting model. The results indicated that the tillering rate,plant height, single stalk weight,cane yield and sugar content per hectare decreased with row spacing increasing and there was no significant difference among different treatments,but the sugarcane plant height of 1.5 m row spacing had significant difference with CK and 1.3 m row spacing. Sugarcane stalk-forming rate,stalk numbers per hectare,stalk diameter, internodes brixs of oblique-planting model increased compared with CK,and except the stem-forming rates of 1.4 m and 1.5 m row spacing,the other indexes had no significant difference.
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